sueppchen / PixMob_waveband

reverse engineering pixmob RF enabled waveband
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CRC generation #4

Closed sueppchen closed 5 months ago

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

In the meantime, I've updated my crc.ino file with folowing changes :

_Originally posted by @Serge-45 in

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

I moved this question to another topic --> CRC generation. and yes - I did nearly the same with mode==4 I filled up the byte7 and byte5 and switched to a byte-depended matrix (list of lists) like you can see in /investigation/advanced.ino

ok you where a little faster, so I'll copy your values

what does mode = xx x1xx do when > 4 ?

... I'll do the tests on mode = xx xx1x to proof my idea with end3:2

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

have you tried to xor the values in each table with its direct neighbor? I can see a scheme...

Serge-45 commented 6 months ago

Good catch ! Yes, definitely there is something which is absolutely not random !

Serge-45 commented 6 months ago

According to the kind of logic I can see, I think that the CRC calculation is done on 16-bit words, and then the lower 12 bits are taken and split as 6 + 6 bits values to give the 2 CRC bytes. CRC1 (first byte of the message) is the lower 6 bits, CRC2 (last byte) is the MSB.

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

most MCU have an internal CRC16 generator to check firmware upload. it is fed with 0x1d0f as start value.

would it be possible that an crc16 is calculated over each byte? (maybe possition+value )

the XOR with the neighbor generates a list with repeating values for each sublist (byte1, byte 2) but there are no values in the new byte2-list found in byte1-list...

same XOR in every list: 14^15 = 16^17 = 20^21 = 24^25 = 34^35 = 46^47 00^01 = 17^18 = 29^30 08^09 = 10^11 = 22^23 = 30^31 = 48^49 = 50^51 = 52^53 28^29 = 32^33 33^34 = 35^36 = 45^46 = 61^62 31^32 = 51^52 = 54^55 09^10 = 21^22 18^19 = 62^63 04^05 = 26^27 = 58^59

others share some bits...always

Serge-45 commented 6 months ago

Some new values of CRC available for byte 1 (MOD) : crc2.ino.txt

    {   /* Byte 1 (MOD) */                                  
        __REF_, _NONE_, 0x3D30, _NONE_, 0x1E2D, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_,     /* Byte 1 (MOD), 00-07 */
        _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_,     /* Byte 1 (MOD), 08-0F */
        0x0C3B, 0x1D1D, 0x1130, _NONE_, 0x222D, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_,     /* Byte 1 (MOD), 10-17 */
        _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_,     /* Byte 1 (MOD), 18-1F */
        0x3B30, _NONE_, 0x171D, _NONE_, 0x2000, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_,     /* Byte 1 (MOD), 20-27 */
        _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_,     /* Byte 1 (MOD), 28-2F */
        0x2200, _NONE_, 0x2D1D, 0x162D, 0x3A16, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_,     /* Byte 1 (MOD), 30-37 */
        _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_, _NONE_,     /* Byte 1 (MOD), 38-3F */
sueppchen commented 6 months ago

mode = 0x13: 0x262d mode = 0x31: 0x1930

the other values do not create valid CRC

funfact: most of the valid crcB values end with b or 6

Serge-45 commented 6 months ago

Updated with new values for byte 1 : crc2.ino.txt

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

ok... news: mode[0x30] ^ mode[0x31] = mode[0x20] there are more of that.

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

it is a bit like solving a sudoku: with the steps 1..62 0x38=0x22 ^ 0x24 ... have a look @ investigation/

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

list for MODE = { 0x0000, 0x0c2d, 0x3d30, 0x283b, 0x1e2d, 0x1b26, 0x3726, 0x130b, 0x0f0b, 0x343b, 0x0726, 0x3c16, 0x1600, 0x1c2d, 0x291d, 0x383b,
0x0c3b, 0x1d1d, 0x1130, 0x262d, 0x222d, 0x330b, 0x0016, 0x3b26, 0x3816, 0x2930, 0x0200, 0x070b, 0x2a00, 0x2016, 0x2c3b, 0x170b,
0x3b30, 0x3126, 0x171d, 0x063b, 0x2000, 0x0e3b, 0x2c2d, 0x350b, 0x3d0b, 0x191d, 0x2600, 0x083b, 0x0a16, 0x242d, 0x0216, 0x1330,
0x2200, 0x1930, 0x2d1d, 0x162d, 0x3a16, 0x0126, 0x0326, 0x2f1d, 0x371d, 0x1926, 0x2b30, 0x2e3b, 0x0d0b, 0x2330, 0x050b, 0x3216},

Serge-45 commented 6 months ago

Great !!! Deduced from the XOR you have detected ? Here is the updated crc2.ino file with now ALL values for CRC calculation : crc2.ino.txt

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

yes deduced with the rules found in the valid lists (see investigation/ wich shows the rules. I automated the process to take the few input-bytes to generate the complete List.

I uploaded play.ino with all values and basic CLI to be controlled by host program or user.

there are some rules which make me suspect that the table are based on the 0x3f'th element and not on the 0x00'th

[0x38] ^ [0x39] = [0x3b] [0x39] ^ [0x3a] = [0x3f] [0x3a] ^ [0x3b] = [0x3e] [0x3b] ^ [0x3c] = [0x3d] [0x3c] ^ [0x3d] = [0x3b] [0x3e] ^ [0x3f] = [0x38]

stay tuned

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

it is possible to offset every list by any value IN the list without breaking the rules (the rules change, but they are consistent) but if a list is offset (XORed) with another value (even from another List) the rules disappear.

I tried to rotate the values in the table by 0-11 bit but there is no rule which is true for all 7 tables

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

the mode table can be checked for beeing valid by shortening the time until the batch goes to sleep, try to wake it with test-message - if it falls asleep again: invalid ...if not: valid. this is because mode does not output always something...

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

all values seem to be valid. now lets ge rid of the tables: internal everything is processed as 8bit value, also the incoming color-information is shifted left by 2

the checksum for stored colors is simple an addition of all values cut to 8 bit.

sueppchen commented 6 months ago

updated readme and wiki

Serge-45 commented 5 months ago

Great news, I've progressed on the CRC calculation! Here are the outcomes.

Overall process:

Starting from the initial CRC value of 0x1b05, each bit of each of the 7 bytes has its own effect on the resulting CRC word, it applies a XOR to the CRC according to the following table (XOR value to apply to update CRC1/CRC2, assuming that CRC1 is the MSB and CRC2 the LSB) :

byte# bit 0 (lsb) bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 (msb)
1 2416 082D 371D 2E3B 3B30 1126 050B 0A16
2 142C 0F1F 1E3E 1B3B 1131 0525 2D0D 1A1B
3 3436 0F2A 3913 3227 0308 0610 0C20 3F07
4 3E0F 3C1F 383F 1738 0937 3529 0D14 1A28
5 1317 262E 2B1A 1635 0B2D 311D 223B 2330
6 2126 250A 0A15 142A 0F13 1E26 1B0B 3616
7 2C2D 3F1C 3E39 1B34 112F 0519 0A32 3323

These values are most probably coming from a CRC calculation based on a given polynomial, not identified yet.

Application example:

message to send     | 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
converted to 8b     | 35 21 21 21 21 21 21
initial CRC value   | 1b05 
xor for byte 1 = 35 | 2416 ^ 0000 ^ 371D ^ 0000 ^ 3B30 ^ 1126 ^ 0000 ^ 0000
xor for byte 2 = 21 | 142c ^ 0000 ^ 0000 ^ 0000 ^ 0000 ^ 0525 ^ 0000 ^ 0000
xor for byte 3 = 21 | 3436 ^ 0000 ^ 0000 ^ 0000 ^ 0000 ^ 0610 ^ 0000 ^ 0000
and so on for bytes 4 to 7...
Final result of all | 3e2f ==> CRC1=3e, CRC2=2f
message with CRC    | 3e 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 2f
Convert to 8b       | 61 35 21 21 21 21 21 21 ad
sueppchen commented 5 months ago

uuuh, nice. we are getting closer. I've tried the polynominals from 0x0000 to 0xffff... no match.

I updated the play.ino with the new calculation routine

have you seen, that the values are repeating (nearly , not exactly) see: byte 1 bit 1 and compare with byte 5 bit 4 and following... if it is an endless list there is something until byte 6.6 ...

take a look at /investigation/ --> it is a rotation. when I XOR it with it's neighbor the result rotates left.

Serge-45 commented 5 months ago

Hi! I currently suspect a CRC-16 with 0x8005 as polynomial, no clue about the initial value. Bit order may also be reversed. The CRC1 and CRC2 bytes could also be swapped as MSB/LSB. As we loose 2x2 bits of the calculated CRC, it makes the checking more difficult. Check message <00,00,00,01,00,02,00> which gets xx000000-xx000000 as the two CRC bytes.

sueppchen commented 5 months ago

0x8005 does not produce a valid output: I checkes 0x0 - 0xffff as initial value and also all kinds of reflection, shifting or swaping...

Serge-45 commented 5 months ago

Got it !!!

It's a CRC-12, polynom=CF1, init=963, data bytes are considered Little-Endian. First CRC byte in message is the MSB, second is LSB. We can reproduce this calculation using "reveng" utility which gives the two 6-bit bytes:

> reveng -w 12 -p CF1 -i 963 -l -A 6 -S -c 12345678abcdef
14 00

The 7 bytes to use as input are the conversion via 6b8b of the 7 6-bit bytes of the message. The two 6-bit CRC bytes have to be converted via 6b8b to 8-bit bytes before sending.

Serge-45 commented 5 months ago

Process followed to discover the CRC parameters:

Several good matches for all three messages found with combinations based on 3323, taking as polynom: [reverse bin of MSB][reverse bin of LSB][0000] = [110011][110001][0000] = 0xCF10

As a polynom must end with a binary '1', guessing that the effective polynom is 12-bit long and is 0xCF1, used with the combination [reverse bin of MSB][reverse bin of LSB] and no need to add more bits:

Testing all 2^12 initial values, only 0x963 gives a match for all messages. Example:

Serge-45 commented 5 months ago

Proposed code for CRC calculation:

#define POLY  0xCF1     // polynom
#define POLYR 0x8f3     // reversed polynom (on 12 bits)
#define INIT  0x963     // init value
#define INITR 0xc69     // reversed init value (on 12 bits)

uint16_t crc12(uint8_t *message) {
  // message = buffer of 7 bytes which have already been converted from 6b to 8b
  // read data from first byte to last byte
  // read data bytes starting from lsb bit (bit 0)
  // register and POLY are reversed, bit 0 is the most significant
  uint8_t *ptr = message;   // pointer to the 1st message byte
  uint16_t reg = INITR;     // 12 bits of the INIT (reversed) value

  // 7*8 bits to process
  for (uint8_t count_bytes = 7; count_bytes != 0; count_bytes--) {
    printf("DATA=%02x\n", *ptr);
    reg ^= (*ptr++);          // get next byte of data
    for (uint8_t count_bits = 8; count_bits != 0; count_bits--) {
      if (reg & 0x0001) {     // if most significant bit is 1
        reg >>= 1;            // shift the register
        reg ^= POLYR;         // and xor with polynom
      } else {                // if most significant bit is 0
        reg >>= 1;            // just shift the register

  printf("CRC1=%02x, CRC2=%02x\n", reg & 0x003f, reg >> 6); // split as 2x6 bits
  return ((reg & 0x003f) << 8) | ((reg & 0x0FC0) >> 6); // return the 2 CRC bytes as a double byte

**EDIT: code simplified

Serge-45 commented 5 months ago

Option: pre-calculate a CRC table in order to speed up

#define POLY  0xCF1     // polynom
#define POLYR 0x8f3     // reversed polynom (on 12 bits)
#define INIT  0x963     // init value
#define INITR 0xc69     // reversed init value (on 12 bits)

uint16_t crctable[256]; // CRC values for each of the 256 possible bytes

void crc12table() { // to be called once at startup
                    // preload the CRC values for each of the 256 possible bytes
  uint16_t reg;     // 12 bits of the INIT (reversed) value
  uint8_t b = 0;    // compte CRC value for all 256 values
  do {
    reg = b;                  // next byte of data
    for (uint8_t count_bits = 8; count_bits != 0; count_bits--) {
      if (reg & 0x0001) {     // if most significant bit is 1
        reg >>= 1;            // shift the register
        reg ^= POLYR;         // and xor with polynom
      } else {                // if most significant bit is 0
        reg >>= 1;            // just shift the register
    crctable[b] = reg;        // store result
  } while (++b != 0);         // stop after value 255

uint16_t crc12t(uint8_t *message) {
                            // use pre-loaded table of 256 CRC values
  uint8_t *ptr = message;   // pointer to the 1st message byte
  uint16_t reg = INITR;     // 12 bits of the INIT (reversed) value

  // 7 bytes to process
  for (uint8_t count_bytes = 7; count_bytes != 0; count_bytes--) {
    reg = crctable[(*ptr++) ^ (reg & 0x00ff)] ^ (reg >> 8);

  printf("CRC1=%02x, CRC2=%02x\n", reg & 0x003f, (reg & 0x0FC0) >> 6); // split as 2x6 bits
  return ((reg & 0x003f) << 8) | ((reg & 0x0FC0) >> 6); // return the 2 CRC bytes as a double byte
sueppchen commented 5 months ago


I tried reveng, but it didn't work for me - so I wrote my own python stuff. but I never combined CRC12 and 8 bit input values ...

so... I converted all TX-stuff to a arduino library and would like to work on the library to include all functions.