suer / redmine_webhook

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Added HMAC signature to webhook payloads #44

Open ricekab opened 1 year ago

ricekab commented 1 year ago

This implemented the feature requested in #9 .



The changes were tested against the latest docker redmine container (5.0.3 at the time of this PR). A small Python Flask server was written to perform the HMAC validation that clients are expected to do (can be found in this gist).

I've tested with three configurations: (1) an incorrect key, (2) a correct key, and (3) no key. image

The Flask web server output for this is:

Project: examplebadkey
Alg: sha1
Signature: 89b3f8de7175044d4f772ec3ce7b6741aa852431
Calculated signature: b9ad1a2263b192d7d8978d13f0cb8d8ed68175d8
HMAC verification failed, payload is malformed or tampered!
HMAC verification succeeded: False - - [23/Oct/2022 13:42:28] "POST /redminewebhook/examplebadkey HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Project: goodkey
Alg: sha1
Signature: b9ad1a2263b192d7d8978d13f0cb8d8ed68175d8
Calculated signature: b9ad1a2263b192d7d8978d13f0cb8d8ed68175d8
HMAC verification succeeded: True - - [23/Oct/2022 13:42:28] "POST /redminewebhook/goodkey HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Project: nokey
Alg: sha1
Signature: 2880f307aa1ba774c716279b26542d6011e5fe6b
Calculated signature: b9ad1a2263b192d7d8978d13f0cb8d8ed68175d8
HMAC verification failed, payload is malformed or tampered!
HMAC verification succeeded: False - - [23/Oct/2022 13:42:28] "POST /redminewebhook/nokey HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Potential issues / improvements

Additional notes

ricekab commented 1 year ago

I just realized this may require a version increment potentially? Let me know if that's required (or add it on top).