suer / redmine_webhook

147 stars 81 forks source link

Redmine 5.1.1.stable, NoMethodError #54

Open disc0ba11 opened 4 months ago

disc0ba11 commented 4 months ago

Hi! Trying to make it work, but no results so far.

Redmine version: 5.1.1.stable
Ruby version: 3.0.0-p0 (2020-12-25) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version:

What happens when I try to create a webhook for project:



E, [2024-03-15T12:05:39.939463 #97694] ERROR -- : [1f0ac134-463a-4f5d-adc4-e974d4065370] ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
F, [2024-03-15T12:06:38.469900 #97694] FATAL -- : [59919cd6-6063-4c78-931b-907f7dfd4113]   
[59919cd6-6063-4c78-931b-907f7dfd4113] NoMethodError (undefined method `url=' for #<Webhook id: nil, gettokenUrl: nil, app_id: nil, app_secret: nil, getidUrl: nil, imUrl: nil, project_id: 408>
Did you mean?  imUrl=):
[59919cd6-6063-4c78-931b-907f7dfd4113] plugins/redmine_webhook/app/controllers/webhook_settings_controller.rb:11:in `create'
[59919cd6-6063-4c78-931b-907f7dfd4113] lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode'
F, [2024-03-15T12:07:22.043771 #97694] FATAL -- : [989d8bfe-bdc4-42ef-9f29-6a96799abfda]   
[989d8bfe-bdc4-42ef-9f29-6a96799abfda] NoMethodError (undefined method `url=' for #<Webhook id: nil, gettokenUrl: nil, app_id: nil, app_secret: nil, getidUrl: nil, imUrl: nil, project_id: 408>
Did you mean?  imUrl=):
[989d8bfe-bdc4-42ef-9f29-6a96799abfda] plugins/redmine_webhook/app/controllers/webhook_settings_controller.rb:11:in `create'
[989d8bfe-bdc4-42ef-9f29-6a96799abfda] lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode'

Tried many forks of this plugin, issue is the same. What happened in latest Redmine releases? Maybe my Ruby is too old/new? What can I do to resolve my issue?