sufone / layl

🌙 Calculator for tahajjud, qiyam, and worship & sleep in an Islamic night!
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Language picker #31

Closed mr-islam closed 3 years ago

mr-islam commented 3 years ago

Think of UI… at the top right or is that too hard to notice? (or is that not a problem since we fetch the browser local?)

Do we use flags? Emojis? Emojis should be good

What about for Arabic… what country's flag? I guess Egypt since it's the largest in population?

mr-islam commented 3 years ago

Implementation seems easy enough:

  import { locale, locales } from 'svelte-i18n'

<select bind:value={$locale}>
  {#each $locales as locale}
    <option value={locale}>{locale}</option>
mr-islam commented 3 years ago

Can be at the top right as a flag only with dropdown for users already logged in, and for first time users it can be below the "Share location" button maybe in an expanded form with langauge name+ emoji flag? OR somewhere central but above/below other things