sugarforever / chat-ollama

ChatOllama is an open source chatbot based on LLMs. It supports a wide range of language models, and knowledge base management.
MIT License
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除了chat页面其他页面都无法使用见报错 #68

Open kelvin-qin opened 3 months ago

kelvin-qin commented 3 months ago

指令页: Invalid prisma.instruction.findMany() invocation in /opt/localLLM/chatdemo/chat-ollama/server/api/instruction/index.get.ts:6:1

知识库页: Error fetching knowledge bases: PrismaClientInitializationError: Invalid prisma.knowledgeBase.findMany() invocation in /opt/localLLM/chatdemo/chat-ollama/server/api/knowledgebases/index.get.ts:6:1

3 const listKnowledgeBases = async (): Promise<KnowledgeBase[] | null> => { 4 const prisma = new PrismaClient(); 5 try { → 6 return await prisma.knowledgeBase.findMany( Prisma Client could not locate the Query Engine for runtime "rhel-openssl-1.0.x".


sugarforever commented 3 months ago

有执行prisma migrate dev的命令初始化数据库吗?

kelvin-qin commented 3 months ago

我查看了历史命令,没有执行这个命令。 最早我是node版本不符合要求我已经升级到了v18版本,chat可以使用了,其他功能异常,我执行看看(README文档没看到写这个命令)。