sugarlabs / GSoD

A guide for participating in Google Season of Documentation with Sugar Labs
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draft of the GSoD application #1

Open walterbender opened 5 years ago

walterbender commented 5 years ago

Organization Description: Sugar Labs creates and maintains a collection of tools that learners (K-8) use to explore, discover, create, and reflect. We distribute these tools freely and encourage our users to appropriate them, taking ownership and responsibility for their learning. The mission of Sugar Labs is to support the Sugar community of users and developers and to help learners “learn how to learn” by tailoring Sugar to meet the requirements of local languages and curricula. Sugar Labs is a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy.

What previous experience has your organization had in documentation or collaborating with technical writers? If you or any of your mentors have worked with technical writers before, or have developed documentation, mention this in your answer. Describe the documentation that you produced and the ways in which you worked with the technical writer. For example, describe any review processes that you used, or how the technical writer's skills were useful to your project. Explain how this previous experience may help you to work with a technical writer in Season of Docs.

We have a somewhat eclectic experience regarding documentation. On the one hand, we have fairly extensive documentation for some individual apps, e.g., Music Blocks (See and as well as fairly well spelled-out instructions for our contributors (See where we really fall short is in documentation that would help a teacher get started with our platform (both in terms of getting the platform installed and in getting it integrated into a classroom or extra-curriculum setting).

For the most part, we use the same tools for our documentation as we do for our software: Git Hub issues and Pull Requests.

What previous experience has your organization had mentoring individuals? If you or any of your mentors have taken part in Google Summer of Code or a similar program that mentors individuals, mention this in your answer. Describe your achievements in that program. Explain how this experience may influence the way you work in Season of Docs.

We have been participating in Google Code In and Google Summer of Code for many years. We'd model our participation in Season of Documentation along the same lines as our Summer of Code program, but would bring to the forefront members of our pedagogy and deployment teams.

quozl commented 5 years ago

Our release manager has four years of experience working directly with technical writers as a software engineer, under an ISO 9000 quality management system. Documents were for end-users.

walterbender commented 5 years ago

@quozl I added to our answer.

llaske commented 5 years ago

Don't know if it need to be integrate in the application form but I think it's interesting to mention what sort of result we want to obtain. In my opinion, one result could be something like The XO Laptop in the classroom, i.e. a list of pedagogic lessons with Sugar/Sugarizer activities related to the lesson.

chimosky commented 3 years ago

@samswag this might be of interest and if same is needed to be used it needs some rewording.