sugarlabs / browse-activity

Sugar activity to browse the internet; WebKit on GTK on Sugar Toolkit
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add github issues to browser homepage. #117

Open chimosky opened 3 years ago

chimosky commented 3 years ago

We moved from the bug tracker to using github issues so I think the bugs hyperlink in the activity home page should be changed to our github issues.

@quozl thoughts?

quozl commented 3 years ago

Not everyone moved. trac is still used by some contributors. Once trac required an account, the bug reports fell quite a bit. A new way to gain feedback is needed. I don't feel GitHub issues is meeting this need, but if it is all we want to offer, then that's what should be linked.

chimosky commented 3 years ago

I agree, github issues isn't all we want to offer since we still have trac and it'll make sense to include it in the home page as not a lot of people use trac these days and we wouldn't need people opening new issues there as it'll be easier for those issues to be fixed if they're opened in github.

quozl commented 3 years ago

Easier if opened on GitHub? Why is that? I find problems are just as easy to fix if they are opened on trac or on GitHub issues.

chimosky commented 3 years ago

A lot of our contributors would most likely find it easier to use Github and would most likely come to Github first to find issues, so by easier to fix I mean easier to find - should've used the proper wording there -.

quozl commented 3 years ago

Yes, but now we ought to optimise the reporting of problems rather than focus on a relatively minor aspect of the work of the contributors.

Almost all our issues are being created by code contributors; people who could very well have created a pull request instead.

With this in mind, I've reviewed the browser start page data/index.html;

Also on review, I'm puzzled as to why the links and the other content are written into the document by a Javascript fragment; but that could be a great way to handle the languages.

chimosky commented 3 years ago

Yes, but now we ought to optimize the reporting of problems rather than focus on a relatively minor aspect of the work of the contributors.

Yeah I agree about optimizing reporting of problems but I also think that the relatively minor aspect of the work of the contributors can sometimes be made easier as sometimes it takes people a while to find something or to understand something.

Almost all our issues are being created by code contributors; people who could very well have created a pull request instead.

I think that it takes some contributors some time to get the hang of things and the also considering that some are just encountering the code base for the first time but sending a PR does depend on their level of expertise and that varies.

With this in mind, I've reviewed the browser start page data/index.html;

  • there's no call to action, e.g. "report a problem",


  • there's no translations to the most frequently used non-english languages,

I see translations for French and Spanish.

  • there's no warning that a GitHub account will be required, and therefore a mail account, (presumably it is still possible to create GitHub accounts without 2FA),

Yeah I think a Github account can be created without 2FA, it might not be necessary to include a warning for a Github account being needed as when you visit the Github page, the sign up and sign in buttons are clear at the top of the page.

Also on review, I'm puzzled as to why the links and the other content are written into the document by a Javascript fragment; but that could be a great way to handle the languages.

Have little JavaScript knowledge but I think it's easier as they're just hyperlinks.

quozl commented 3 years ago

I see translations for French and Spanish.

I can't. Look again? See file data/index.html

chimosky commented 3 years ago

I see translations for French and Spanish.

I can't. Look again? See file data/index.html

Ah! I was talking about the po files.

quozl commented 3 years ago

So we have, from good to perfect;

For your interest, OLPC OS contains a telemetry client that transmits activity start and stop data to OLPC servers. For Fedora 18, it is part of the activity. For Ubuntu 20.04, it is part of Sugar Toolkit.

chimosky commented 3 years ago
  • [ ] change to issues,

Considering what we stated earlier about not wanting to use Github issues as our only means of reporting bugs, maybe we can add both although it might not be necessary but seeing as trac requires an account and I've been trying to open one for sometime now and still haven't found the page referring to "find the gold in the pot" as searching for the phrase returns nothing.

For your interest, OLPC OS contains a telemetry client that transmits activity start and stop data to OLPC servers. For Fedora 18, it is part of the activity. For Ubuntu 20.04, it is part of Sugar Toolkit.

Is the code for the client just included in your images or it's also upstream?

quozl commented 3 years ago

We can not want to use GitHub issues as the only means of reporting bugs, yet at the same time only offer GitHub issues on the Browse default page. I imagine a proper feedback system will take a while. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I've sent you the telemetry code by private mail.

chimosky commented 3 years ago

We can not want to use GitHub issues as the only means of reporting bugs, yet at the same time only offer GitHub issues on the Browse default page. I imagine a proper feedback system will take a while. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

At the moment trac is what's offered as a means of reporting bugs on the Browse default page, the aim is to include GitHub issues. I agree that a proper feedback system will take a while.

I've sent you the telemetry code by private mail.

Seen, thanks.

Dimi20cen commented 1 year ago

So for starters, we should change the link text from "bugs" to "report a problem" which should link to "", is that right?

Edit:, doesn't exist, should we link to

quozl commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reading the discussion. Since my earlier comments, Sugar Labs has shrunk and we don't have people with the time to handle bug reports. This is an organisational governance issue. I think "bugs" should be removed and not replaced with anything, so I've just made that change. Users are unlikely to go into Browse to discover how to give feedback, but there are no feedback options in Sugar apart from Browse.

Next actions;

Dimi20cen commented 1 year ago

I was thinking that maybe we could add a "help"/"report a bug" option on the menu that opens up when you press the xo icon,, that could link to an overall issue page on github. But from what you said, I'm understanding that the issue of soliciting and handling feedback isn't a priority at the moment, right?

quozl commented 1 year ago

It could also be in the My Settings as a panel. But still, how would you authenticate the child or teacher? In the environment we face now, any feedback mechanism without authentication is used to send unsolicited commercial mail. The Discourse 1.8.8 instance ( in 2014 to 2017) integrated with Sugar was an attempt to handle this, but did not catch on, because it did not have wide acceptance of the members of the organisation. That's another reason why we should step back from this and let the organisation make the decision. GitHub is what we use now, but we may switch to GitLab if the terms and conditions of GitHub become unwelcoming.

Dimi20cen commented 1 year ago

Hm ok I hadnt even thougth of mail spam.

arav-behl commented 8 months ago

Hey, I am new to Open Source but I want to contribute to SugarLabs as I am passionate about Education, and I'm also doing research on how education can be improved using AI in my university. Thus, I feel SugarLabs is a great project and I hope I can be assigned some beginner friendly issues on which I can contribute :)

chimosky commented 8 months ago

@arav-behl you might want to take a look at our docs.