sugarlabs / chat

The Sugar chat activity
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add multi line text input and drawing input #35

Open Dimi20cen opened 10 months ago

Dimi20cen commented 10 months ago

Relevant to issue #17

The code is not working properly and there are still issues with transmiting the drawing and text to the shared activity instance.

As you can see in the commits, I used a custom gtk.TextView to replace the gtk Entry for the input field. One problem I faced was that, if I understand correctly, the sugar's gtk-widgets.css doesn't style textview in a similar way as entry. Would you suggest I manage the css for textview in the source code of chat's activity?

Also, currently when a user sends messages consecutively, they all bundle up in the same box. I was thinking that giving each separate message its own box, would look better. What do you think?

@chimosky @sourabhaa