sugarlabs / musicblocks

Music Blocks -- A musical microworld
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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circular rhythm ruler #1290

Open walterbender opened 5 years ago

walterbender commented 5 years ago

Since the rhythm wraps, it would be nice to have a circular display. screenshot from 2018-08-15 20-38-27

a-ritwik commented 5 years ago

Nice design. I have a question. How would we show two rulers with different meters, and where they start to align with each other? @walterbender @pikurasa

walterbender commented 4 years ago

They'd be concentric.

ricknjacky commented 3 years ago

@walterbender the issue is redundant now, ig.

walterbender commented 3 years ago

It is still waiting an implementation.

belginkoc commented 8 months ago

Hello, I am looking to contribute to SugarLabs and while looking over the issues I came across this one. At first glance, it seems like this enhancement issue has already been implemented on music blocks. Should this issue be closed?

walterbender commented 8 months ago

I did a sketch at one point, but AFAIK, it has not been implemented.

ChiragJS commented 5 months ago

this has to be implemented for rhythm maker ,right?

walterbender commented 5 months ago

Yes. It would be a replacement of the current rhythm maker UX.

ChiragJS commented 5 months ago

Yes. It would be a replacement of the current rhythm maker UX.

any thing specific to be looked out for while working on this issue? any specific function might help

walterbender commented 5 months ago

I had done a sketch using the piemenu codebase ( It can try to find it.

ChiragJS commented 5 months ago

I had done a sketch using the piemenu codebase ( It can try to find it.

Sorry, didn't get you here, do you mean like referring to piemenu codebase will help with implementing the design you made?

walterbender commented 5 months ago

I mean that I used the same wheel widget library as is used in the pie menus.

ChiragJS commented 5 months ago

A few questions regarding this issue: So on clicking on the pie menu ruler, it will get divided by itself? So hence, we wont need the current rhythm maker UX. Secondly, what would happen in this case? Screenshot from 2024-01-20 22-34-01 All the rows will be concentric circles? and if you look at the ruler , row 1 , it has 3 (1/1)s , (for this I copied the rhythm block and placed it under the same intrument block), so this has to be shown in the same circle? And let's say there are n number of rows in the ruler, so would there be n number of concentric circles, what if the number is huge , wouldn't the circle get too big?

walterbender commented 5 months ago

Yes, we'd use concentric circles. There are only so many we can have at the same time, eventually they will run off the screen.

Clicking will divide. We need a way to join. And a way to specify a rest (currently a long press).

ChiragJS commented 5 months ago

A way to join ? Sorry , didn't get you here? you mean undoing the divide? And what about the 1st row here, there are 3 (1/1)s how is it supposed to be rendered? I didn't get it

walterbender commented 5 months ago

Not quite undo, since you could do the following:

1 --> 1/2, 1/2 --> 1/4, 1/4, 1/2 --> 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4 --> 1/4, 1/2, 1/4

The final operation was a join of the middle two quarter notes.

ChiragJS commented 5 months ago

Oh got it ! And sorry to ask again , what about the 1st row, i sent in the pic earlier, how should that be rendered? 3 divisions in the circle each saying 1/1?

walterbender commented 5 months ago

The total note value of notes in the ruler is determined by the argument passed to the widget block. By default you get 1, but you can override that and get 2, 3, 1.5, whatever you want. So the concentric circles are all the same length in terms of degrees (360), if the note values don't match, the smaller ones will be segments of circles. I could imagine something where when we play the collection of rhythms, the segments rotate to stay aligned with the full circle, but that is not necessary to do in the first pass.

apsinghdev commented 5 months ago

@walterbender sir, should there be any limit on how many rhythms we can add to it? I experimented with more rhythms and can see only 8 on the screen.

Screenshot 2024-01-30 165917

( also it seems there is no scroll bar to see the rest of them ). would it be good to have a limit of rhythms we can add in case of adding circular rulers?

walterbender commented 5 months ago

I think 6-8 is a reasonable limit.

apsinghdev commented 4 months ago

I think 6-8 is a reasonable limit.

got it. thanks.

walterbender commented 4 months ago

Maybe even 6 is enough.

ChiragJS commented 4 months ago

Hey @apsinghdev are you working on the issue now? Because I've been working on it, been a bit busy but will be working on it now actively

apsinghdev commented 4 months ago

yes @ChiragJS I am working on this.

ChiragJS commented 4 months ago

Would you mind working on something else because I'm already halfway through it?

apsinghdev commented 4 months ago

Would you mind working on something else because I'm already halfway through it?

same here brother. invested almost 3 weeks of time and effort.

pikurasa commented 4 months ago

@ChiragJS and @apsinghdev it's not necessarily a waste to have multiple people working on the same issue.

Perhaps you two could trade notes and work collaboratively towards a solution?

ChiragJS commented 4 months ago

I'm open to work collaboratively , how about you @apsinghdev ?

apsinghdev commented 4 months ago

I'm open to work collaboratively , how about you @apsinghdev ?

Yeah sure @ChiragJS. On which part you are working?

ChiragJS commented 4 months ago

Let's talk about it on Matrix then? I'll dm you? @apsinghdev

apsinghdev commented 4 months ago

Let's talk about it on Matrix then? I'll dm you? @apsinghdev

Yeah sure.

apsinghdev commented 2 months ago

@walterbender I have added splitting logic by the following steps :

it looks like this

(I'd like you to please ignore the text inside the notes for now since I have not added the logic for ratio.)

I wanna ask is

  1. is this the optimal approach to add split logic?

  2. should I add multi-dimensional splitting? (1/2 → 1/4, 1/4) if yes, to what extent?

  3. currently, I store up to 6 indexes to split in one iteration, and when that array has more than 6 elements it clears out the array and again starts from 1. Is this flow good enough or there is a need for enhancement?

    1. In what condition, should I clear that array to 0?

    2. I think it is not good to refresh each time the user splits a note. so should we store a specific number of clicks and then direct the user to refresh? or let'em just refresh each time?

and lastly, do you have any bare minimum idea that must be implemented regarding the splitting of notes?


apsinghdev commented 2 months ago

here is how it looks when dissectNumber value changes


(again, please ignore the text value inside the notes for now)

ChiragJS commented 2 months ago

I think hard reloading the page everytime you make changes to it would not be the most practical solution we should be working towards ,as it would ruin the user experience .

walterbender commented 2 months ago

I had a hard time from your video to see how the splitting worked. It was only clear after the refresh that things were split.

Yes. That is the whole point of the rulers.

I am not sure what you are referring to here. 6 indexes to what? What is an iteration? Are you talking about caching user input? If so, that is not a good desigh.

There is an erase button (and an undo button).

I disagree. If it is slow, the user will accommodate. But there is no reason it should be that slow. If the problem is the number of rulers (max 6 in your implementation) then lets use fewer rulers. But I think it needs to be at least two.

The straight rulers implement a minimum -- I don't recall what it is. Many one sixtyfourth? Even one thirtysecond would be OK

apsinghdev commented 2 months ago


Thanks for your feedback, in previous discussions, we discussed that we wouldn't be able to get live splitting of rulers as wheelnavjs library doesn't provide such functionality. so we concluded that we could add the splitting logic by re-rendering the page. that's what I've tried to show in the video. for more clarity, the flow would be like :

  1. user clicks on the rulers
  2. a message gets prompted to the user like "please refresh to see your splits" ( I've not implemented it yet )
  3. they refresh
  4. the rulers clicked by user gets split according to the dissectNumber.

Please feel free to inquire if further clarification is needed. Thank you.

walterbender commented 2 months ago

I don't recall coming to that conclusion. We refresh the pie menus in many different situations. For example in the Mode menu. Why do you think it cannot be done?

apsinghdev commented 2 months ago

I don't recall coming to that conclusion. We refresh the pie menus in many different situations. For example in the Mode menu. Why do you think it cannot be done?

Oh, my bad. I think I misunderstood the issue. You are right; we have other refresh situations besides just refreshing for splitting. One such situation is switching back to straight rulers and then switching again to circular ones, as it rerenders the rulers when we switch to circular rulers. does this make sense?