sugarlabs / musicblocks

Music Blocks -- A musical microworld
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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questions from a teacher #1377

Closed walterbender closed 6 years ago

walterbender commented 6 years ago

Walter san, I have some ideas about development from curriculum side. Is it better to put them in github?

1) Could you try to have the pseudo-analog pitch (more continuous) for the Pitch Slider widget? That widget is of interests! But now, it is just sending out discrete tones, and I would like it to be more continuous like Synthesizer Bender. Also, I think the Hz. could be just integers (not like XXX.yy).

2) For example, as for “Chord I” block, is it possible to collapse this block to “Chord I”, just like “Note” blocks? Of course, we would like to change the root tone or note value inside (so we need to expand that block, too), but if it could be easily collapsed to just “Chord I”, that would be really easy for us to organize the harmonization score. Also, is it possible to make the original chord block (using the original ratio) and name it, like Chord I?

3) Also, could you make a widget like “If you just set the 3 number ratio like 3 : 4 : 5 or 4 : 5 : 6 and set the root note on the 1st / 2nd / 3rd place (i.e. if I set the root note DO on the second place for 3 : 4 : 5, that would be like SOL, DO, MI), the 3 note chord block would be generated, which can be easily collapsed into “<3 : 4 (root) : 5 chord>“, for example… ” (I may have to submit the design idea of this, though… Is it understandable? I wonder…)

4) Now, it may be one of the bugs, but sometimes it could be hard for me to right-click on the block to show up the pi menu of that… How do you think to “double-click” instead of “right-click” for this, I wonder? Of course, this should be discussed more, though… (I could not erase the “print” block in the widget “Status”. Also, I am not sure what “Status” “Rhythm” “Simple Tuplet” widget means… please let me make sure of these, again, someday!)

5) Related to this, I am still having difficulties in erasing the blocks… I just would like to check the “eraser” function on the top right, and also how about recovering the “trash box”, but on the top or top right (just around the eraser), too? I think many people often have to erase various blocks.

6) Also, I think in the request of beginner mode, we asked to erase the section of Boxes”, “heap”, “Extras”, “Mice” totally… How do you think of these? (These are still in the beginner mode)

I think we (Nabekura-san and me) could come up with other various requirements from curriculum side, too! I would post these on the slack or github (either of which you prefer) and I would like you and Devin (and Yu) to think of these… Thank you again!!!

walterbender commented 6 years ago
  1. is the issue where we are tracking the pitch slider problem.

  2. The Chord blocks turn into nested Scalar Interval blocks when they are pulled from the palette. That said, I could make them collapsible. What would be helpful is some guidance regarding what the block label should be when it collapses. The base note and the two intervals?

screenshot from 2018-09-28 14-51-52

  1. Could you please make a sketch of what this might look like?

  2. I will investigate why it is not always working. But rather than double click, I will add "long press", which we need for touch anyway (since you cannot right-click on a touch screen.)

  3. I think there is some confusion regarding the purpose of the Erase button. It erases graphics and returns the mice to their initial position. It is not for erasing blocks. To delete blocks, you can right click and select the trash can or you can drag the block to the trash can at the bottom of the screen.

  4. I think it would be a very big mistake to eliminate Boxes. It is fundamental to programming and essential for all but the most minimal projects. I will eliminate "Heap" from beginner mode. Re Extras, that is where the Print block lives, which is very important for debugging and also the mechanism by which you can add lyrics to the music. The Mice palette is also important for certain types of projects, in particular, the ability to turn a mouse into a button. See for example.

pikurasa commented 6 years ago

I will comment in more detail when I return home, but a thought on importance of mouse tools: I agree with Walter. I would also point out that sometimes, if one is having technical difficulties with sound on the computers (or no access to headphones or speakers), that from a practical perspective having the visual mouse tools can be a lifesaver. I speak from experience having taught MB at various schools on various computer environments.

pikurasa commented 6 years ago

I have ideas for # 2--great observation. I am pretty sure I know what is being asked.

walterbender commented 6 years ago

re 4, I added long-press support for the context menu, which should make it available on touch systems, .e.g., iPad. I also added some extra code for searching for blocks when there is no "active" block under the cursor. (Not sure what the later would happen, but maybe it will help.)

walterbender commented 6 years ago

re 6, I removed the Heap and Extras palettes from Beginner mode, but put the Print block on the Media Palette. I have extreme reservations about removing the Boxes palette. I think it defeats the whole purpose of Music Blocks since it makes even rudimentary programming virtually impossible. As far as the Mice palette, while it is not fundamental to programming or music, it opens up a lot of interesting, very accessible possibilities in terms of interaction.

walterbender commented 6 years ago

re 1, the pitch slider should be continuous now.

walterbender commented 6 years ago

re 5, just as a reminder, please see below. screenshot from 2018-09-29 10-33-03

walterbender commented 6 years ago

I created a separate issue to track the Collapsible Chord Block discussion. Anything else that needs addressing here or can we close this issue?

Sachiko-Nakajima commented 6 years ago

As for 2,3, I would send some sketch & possible names to the updated thread. As for 4, many Japanese are using Windows and are not at all used to "long press", and this time we are setting as the default setting to be Windows PC, not iPad or Android (touch screen). So, please consider "double click" for Japanese version. As for 5, I think STILL it's better to have the trash box somewhere while we are having some trouble in opening pie menu. I would discuss this with Japanese team and will let you know later! As for 6, I am not sure where you used the box section in the given example! (Store in / Add to...) I love that example, but is it really using Box section?

Devin, I was referring to mice, not mouse!!! I remember you said that we can delete mice section, right? Walter, thank you for removing the Heap and Extra section! Thanks. As for 1, how is it going on? Are there possibilities we can fix that by the end of Nov.?

walterbender commented 6 years ago

Re 2,3, I look forward to seeing your sketches.

Re 4, long press vs double click, I disagree with your assessment of the problem. First, as far as I have been told, the two systems we need to support are Edge on Windows and Chrome or Firefox on iPad. If that has changed, I would appreciate an update from the team. Second, if we are supporting iPad, then neither right-click or double click are suitable (even for Japanese users). Long-press is very typical for such things. Regarding Windows, right-click is much easier for most people, especially children, than double-click. And in any case, switching from right-click to double-click would not solve the problem you described in the issue as it is caused by a bug in detecting the block, not in detecting the right-click.

re 5, there is a trash box at the bottom center of the screen, You can drag blocks into the trash or you can right click and use the menu. I think it is better to figure out what the bug is that is causing you to have trouble with right click than to redesign the interface to work around the bug. (Note that you need to click on the top of the block to trigger the menu. Clicking on the bottom of the block causes many problems for children in using an earlier version of MB as they would often select the wrong block when the blocks were nested.

re 6, I don't understand what you are asking. The storein and box blocks are used in almost every Music Block project. Many projects use Add to as well.

walterbender commented 6 years ago

Oh. I just realized that since we changed the background color to while, the trashcan is invisible, I will fix that. My apologies.

pikurasa commented 6 years ago

~re6, @walterbender Sachiko is referring to examples I shared in response to a curriculum proposal...~

or perhaps your example above... sorry, a lot to read on this post...

walterbender commented 6 years ago

The trashcan should be visible again.

walterbender commented 6 years ago

re 1, pitch slider, it is already fixed. Please test.

Sachiko-Nakajima commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your bug fixing for pitch slider! As for trash can, I cannot see yet, but I believe it should work. BTW, Japanese team (curriculum side) agreed to have the trash can at the top right (aroubd where the eraser locates) so that they don't move when scrolling. How do you think to move the trash can to the top right? As for the browser, what I understand is Edge on Windows and Chrome or Firefox, but NOT on iPad this time (Yu said they don't even test on iPad this time, to avoid any confusions). Anyway, Saku-san said that he is used to right click!, I think right click & trash can would be the preferable solution this time. As for 6), sorry but please let me know more in the next meeting about beginners mode!

walterbender commented 6 years ago

I don't understand what you mean by "so that they don't move when scrolling". The position of the trashcan is independent of whether or not it moves when the screen is scrolling. That said, I would like to see some sketches of the trashcan on the upper right. I worry that it will collide with the collapsed graphics window if we move it there.

FWIW, the trashcan does not currently scroll with the window. It always remains in the same place on the screen.

walterbender commented 6 years ago

Anything left on this issue?

Sachiko-Nakajima commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your great talking with me today! Now, I think I could understand the value of the box section, etc.! I think this is the end of this issue! (As for the slider, if you could expand the range, that would be great!) As for 2 and 3, I would reply to the different thread now. Thank you!