sugarlabs / musicblocks

Music Blocks -- A musical microworld
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Rhythm block doesn't repeat when outside of PhraseMaker #3931

Open walterbender opened 2 days ago

walterbender commented 2 days ago


The Rhythm block is specific to the Phrase Maker and works fine in that context. But when it is outside of the Phrase Maker, the multiple notes are all played at the same time.

Expected Behavior

I'd expect it to play the notes sequentially.


Screenshot from 2024-07-02 19-44-22

How to Reproduce

  1. drag a Rhythm Block from the Widgets palette (for example the 1/4 note block -- set the number of notes > 1)
  2. click on it
  3. observe that only 1 note plays
  4. look at the console log and observe that all the notes were sent to the synth at the same time.

Console log Errors:

8 synthutils.js:1722 0 G4 0.6666666666666666 electronic synth [object Object] null false 0




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