sugarlabs / rpi23-gen-image

Advanced Debian "jessie" and "stretch" bootstrap script for RPi2/3
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Synced with Upstream and removed dbus from template #17

Closed amanharitsh123 closed 6 years ago

quozl commented 6 years ago

Bit more information would be helpful; does it build, does it boot, and does it work?

amanharitsh123 commented 6 years ago

I will report all of this by next 12 hrs @quozl

quozl commented 6 years ago

I disagree with your proposal to merge upstream like this, because it makes a mess of the history; we might instead rebase;

amanharitsh123 commented 6 years ago

I think you have already rebased this fork with the upstream here Should I close this PR? and test this rebased branch you have made

quozl commented 6 years ago

You might compare my rebased branch against your merged branch to see if I missed anything; if I didn't, then it doesn't matter which branch you test. If there is a difference, you might try to figure out what it was caused by. Let me know your results.

amanharitsh123 commented 6 years ago

Build Report: The build process gone smoothly without any errors and the image file was generated successfully . I have booted the image and it works fine(automatic login works ). Tested some of its activities and i found no issue with them . Rpi connected to wifi successfully . Issues : 1)Rpi got heated after 15 mins , I can sense the heat even above the case . I am using an open case (Transparent with heat sinks) (room temp 22C) I am using my rpi with kodi as well and its not get this much heated even in 1.5 hrs of usage . 2) No audio output Difference between Your rebased branch and My PR: The only difference is template file, i have removed dbus from aptinclude (Have tested this build with my synced repo)

@quozl Is there anything else you want me to test specifically or do you want any logs?

quozl commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I'll bring my branch into sugarlabs/master and we can both work from there. Please push your tested branch to your repository and tell me the commit hash.

Some heating is normal, but please get some more data;

Not surprised by audio problems; see #4 and check if it still matches in detail.

Logging On-Chip Thermal Sensor

TS=$(date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds)
echo $TS $(</sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/log-thermal
sudo /usr/local/bin/log-thermal

sample output

2018-02-21 19:32:51+00:00 50464
sudo crontab -e

an editor will begin, add a line to the end of file

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/log-thermal >> /var/log/thermal.log
quozl commented 6 years ago

Rebased master and deleted temporary discussion branches.

For the thermal problem, please open a new issue or reply here if there isn't a problem.

amanharitsh123 commented 6 years ago

Hash : I will upload the test results for the above cases soon.

amanharitsh123 commented 6 years ago

Performance Record

I have recorded the vmstat output , and added some relevant data in the Gist Description

Heating Issue

I was not able to take logs periodically using cron , maybe I have done some mistake while configuring it, Although I have checked the temperature between my half hour of usage and the temperature rise was almost negligible . Reason For The Heating Issue Earlier : Previously , In order to check the audio output I was browsing Youtube , which caused high CPU usage for around 20mins. May be thats the reason behind Heating. I concluded this by observing vmstat while browsing Youtube.

Write Activity

There is not any issue with the Cedit

CPU Idle Time

I have tested all 23 activities , and CPU idle value doesnt collapses to zero with anyone .

Audio Output

I have collected the lsmod output for both sugar(alsamixer not working ) and raspbian(alsamixer working well) Rapbian: Sugar : The error is with the module snd_bcm2835 , it is disabled in case of rpi . Enabling it with modprobe might solve the issue (Havent tried it yet , but could be a solution): sudo apt-get install alsa-utils sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835 Resource :

Other Observations

Automatic Login

The automatic login works everytime , even if we directly poweroff the rpi instead of shutdown. Looks like this bug has been fixed by some upstream improvements. @quozl Is there anything else that i should test the image for?

quozl commented 6 years ago

Thanks, your is slightly different to sugarlabs/master, but none of the changes pertain to the problems you've mentioned. I'll leave it to you to manage your fork.

For the heating problem when Browse is used with YouTube; this is YouTube's decision, and you're running their JavaScript code, so who cares.

But if it happens after Browse tabs are closed, it may be related to a previous problem. See, and for history. Can be tested by setting up an HTTP server with an automatic refresh page, then watching the server logs.

amanharitsh123 commented 6 years ago

No , it doesnt happens after the browser tabs are closed , so i suppose that browsing youtube was the only reason for overheating

quozl commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Certainly not our problem then.

For your interest and confidence in the hardware platform, I suggest you work and resolve your issues with running /usr/local/bin/log-thermal and see if it exceeds the maximum operating temperature of the Microchip LAN9512 chip; which is 70°C. When it does so, USB and ethernet may begin to fail in some way. It is best to keep the unit cooler if the load causes such temperatures.