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Unable to open download activities #878

Closed sanjaymaniam closed 4 years ago

sanjaymaniam commented 4 years ago

I'm not able to open a downloaded activity for some reason.I tried referring to this issue-"Web Browser Activity failing to start #768", but no luck. I'd like a pointer on how I can go about this.


quozl commented 4 years ago

Thanks for looking for related issues.

There are three phases; download, install and start.

For download, please try the download with Browse, then stop Browse, start the Log activity, and look at the org.laptop.WebActivity-*.log files for interesting messages. Correlate the messages against when you tried the download. Show me the messages.

For install, log out and log in again, and look at the previous session's shell.log file. This is because the installation is done by the shell, which is the main Sugar process, rather than by the Browse activity.

For start, look at the log files that correspond to the downloaded activity bundle. Without knowing which activity you tried, I can't predict the log file name.

Also, it would be useful to know what operating system version, what Sugar version, and what Browse version you are using.

sanjaymaniam commented 4 years ago


I'm yet to make a good inference from the logs, but I suspect a Python2-Python3 issue. I'm attaching a text file for your reference.

There was a line that said: ImportError: Something is wrong with the numpy installation. While importing we detected an older version of numpy in ['/home/cyphysan/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy']. One method of fixing this is to repeatedly uninstall numpy until none is found, then reinstall this version.

But that can't be the reason, can it? Also, weirdly an activity called "Memorize" installed and worked fine, so I guess that means there's no problem with the browser.

I'm using Ubuntu 18.0.1 LTS and Sugar 0.112. log.txt

Thanks for the help!

quozl commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the logs.

You've probably used Browse, clicked on "activities", and then searched for Speak and downloaded it. The logs showed the download was successful and the installation did begin.

You tried to run the Speak activity, and it failed because you have a local install of Python Numpy in /home/cyphysan/.local/. You can fix that by either removing that package, removing all local packages, or using Sugar from a different username with a fresh empty home directory.

You also downloaded the IconChange activity. It failed due to a bug. It is not marked as works with Sugar 0.112.

We haven't had the volunteers to keep up to date. Best Speak activity at the moment is v57, which you can get from my directory.

sanjaymaniam commented 4 years ago

Okay, I'll try the solution and revert tomorrow. Would be happy to be of help wrt the volunteer shortage problem. Anyways, should I close this now?

quozl commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I'm happy to keep this open until you've had time to try Speak again, as it is one of the activities I concentrate on. I've also got a set of packages that includes latest Speak for Ubuntu 18.04 that you could try instead of using Browse to download the older version. Let me know.

sanjaymaniam commented 4 years ago

I downloaded Speak from your directory and it worked. But I did have to deal with this along the way: "ValueError: Namespace TelepathyGLib not available". Was gir1.2-telepathyglib-0.12 supposed to be installed separately (as opposed to being installed by default with sugar)?

The other fix (delete local Numpy installation for Python 2) did not work. Deviating, but do you think I should stick to activities in your directory for now?

Thanks for helping.

quozl commented 4 years ago

Thanks for testing. Sugar 0.112 does not depend on TelepathyGLib, so yes it did have to be installed just this once. Sugar 0.115 added the dependency. Sugar 0.116 is the latest release.

Activities in that directory are an assortment. Some of them are for Fedora 18 on the OLPC XO, some are for Ubuntu 16.04 on the OLPC NL3, and some are for Ubuntu 18.04 on the OLPC Infinity. The directory itself doesn't indicate which.

For activities I've tested with Ubuntu 18.04 as part of my work for OLPC, you could add to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb [trusted=yes arch=amd64] bionic main

And then "sudo apt update && sudo apt install olpc-activities". Sugar may also be upgraded.

sanjaymaniam commented 4 years ago

"I've also got a set of packages that includes latest Speak for Ubuntu 18.04 that you could try instead of using Browse to download the older version. Let me know."

James, can I please have the link to the set of packages? I just installed a dozen using browse from the Activities Library ( and none of them started for similar reasons.

quozl commented 4 years ago

Yes, sorry about that, they don't work, because is now really only for Python 2 activities that continue to work on Fedora 18. Once an activity like Speak is ported to WebKit2, GStreamer 1.0 or Python 3, the API breakage stops it working on older systems. We no longer have a collection of current activity bundles at Sugar Labs,. Best is what is in GitHub. We've had two or three projects started to fix this, but all have failed to launch. Further API changes in the future will prevent similar projects unless they take dependencies into account, which is impractical with our .xo bundle format.

For many of the activities, you can do a git clone into your ~/Activities directory.

Where I said "a set of packages that includes latest Speak for Ubuntu 18.04 that you could try", I was referring to my packaged activities at OLPC, for which I gave the link above. But this doesn't yet support Python 3 packages, which is what we're working through at the moment. I expect I may have that ready for Ubuntu 20.04 in a few months.

sanjaymaniam commented 4 years ago

Thanks for explaining. I'm sticking to the activities you've tested with Ubuntu 18.04 for now, that was useful. Most of them work, but Simple English Wikipedia and a few other activities don't.

Speak works fine for me, so I think I'll close this issue?

quozl commented 4 years ago

Yes, Simple English Wikipedia is a special case because it directly imports the Browse source code; so both activities must run the same version of Python. We have someone working on the Wikipedia activity in past few days.