sugi / jquery-gcal-flow

jQuery Google Calendar Flow plugin
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Enable link on item location with GoogleMap #33

Closed ubaid89 closed 8 years ago

ubaid89 commented 9 years ago

Enable link on item location with GoogleMap '' link_item_location: true ", some google calender events have google map link but some events have not google map link, in this case plugin give error, so i added this condition.... plugin working perfect

if (this.opts.link_itemlocation) { /* this condition / if (ent.location != undefined) { } / / } else { / this condition / if (ent.location != undefined) { } /_ */ }

please added this condition in your plugin......thank you

sugi commented 8 years ago

Thank you reporting. I fixed with 649b4047ef6205abad075064c92127a2a91ffcda and release v3.0.2.