Open smcpoland opened 9 years ago
You should move popup code to / 1 / , otherwise it won't work.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'document' of undefined The above error occurs because the variable generator might not have been initialized correctly. You should try debugging your code with firebug or a similar tool.
Hi Suhaib,
Actually I tried that, and that is when I get the error Uncaught Type Error. For some reason it does not work in your function code.
The pop up code works perfectly where it is but there is no data from the function, but when I add it to the function that's when I get the error... There is nothing wrong with var generator that I can see. I debug using chrome debugger, I don't know firebug.
Regards, Seán
OK I've done some more follows
test 1 Global Var defined OK msg defined OK
popup window OK
init, OK
Load (callback(){
get msg OK}
load into global var - failed. msg has disappeared
test 2 init OK load (callback() { define Var OK get msg OK Var.document // error - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'document' of undefined } )
While I'm a relative noobie to javascript and do not understand it all, I cannot figure out why it will not work . The Var for some reason cannot be used as a document object within the callback function. Any ideas?
It would be so mach easier (for me) if it was as easy as (1)...
myData1 = messageResource.get(key1); //notice - not inside the load
myData2 = messageResource.get(key2);
mypopUp = mydata1+mydata2;
currently the code is(2):
messageResource.load( function() {
myData1 = messageResource.get(key1); //notice - inside the load
myData2 = messageResource.get(key2);
mypopUp = mydata1+mydata2;
But this fails making the routine basically useless as the data is stuck inside the function and cannot be used outside.
So two questions:
1) can we get it to work as (1) above so the key retrieval is not inside the load, 2) how do we get the data outside the callbackFunction? 3) why does var mypopup not get correctly assigned when in the callback function?
I have read that
var generator ='', process, 'height=700,width=500');
generator.document.write('<html><head><title>Process Details</title>');
can fail with the above error if popups are disabled...(I have popups enabled)...
this code works...
var generator ='', process, 'height=700,width=500');
generator.document.write('<html><head><title>Process Details</title>'); etc
and this doesn't
var generator ='', process, 'height=700,width=500');
generator.document.write('<html><head><title>Process Details</title>'); etc
Why does the function code not work when the previous one does? It's obvious that popups are working as seen in the previous example...
I believe this is an excellent tool and would be great for popups if it could be used...but at the moment it fails...unfortunately.
Thanks and regards Seán
Hi Sean,
<title>Test Popup</title>
<input type="button" value="Show Popup" onclick="showPopup()" />
<script src="messageResource.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>
var firstValue, secondValue;
function showPopup(){
debugMode : true
messageResource.load('test', function(){
firstValue = messageResource.get('first', 'test');
secondValue = messageResource.get('second', 'test');
var generator ='', 'Popup Window', 'height=700,width=500');
generator.document.write('<p>' + firstValue + '</p>');
generator.document.write('<p>' + secondValue + '</p>');
I tested the above code and its working for me, also i didn't get any error while opening a popup inside callback.
Hi there,
I've got your service working nicely won't do what I want it too...
my code is simple enough and is shown below:
Global Vars messageResource.init messageResource.load //get two messages into global vars open a popup using global vars
The code works and the messages are loaded in messageResource.load and can be seen in console.log
BUT when i try to use the global vars in the popup they are empty!!! So why is this happening?
Then I thought, OK I will try moving the popup code to /* 1 */
but then I get a message ...
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'document' of undefined
How can I use your routine to accomplish what I want, it seems ideal but...
I've also move the callBackFunction from inline to where the popup code is but I don't understand these things.
I assume this is my problem...but how do I get it too work???
Many thanks and best regards Seán