suhaotian / xior

A lite request lib based on fetch with plugin support and similar API to axios.
MIT License
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transformRequest method is missing #21

Closed JustDenP closed 1 day ago

JustDenP commented 6 days ago

Hello! First of all, thank you for the perfect fetch library, but the only thing missing for me is transformRequest method from Axios to modify per-request options.

For example, if I need to completely remove some headers from specific requests, like Content-Type. In axios we can do it like so:'/endpoint', { ... }, {
  transformRequest: [
    (data, headers) => {
      delete headers.common['Content-Type'];
      return JSON.stringify(data);

Instead of creating separate clients or modifying defaults.

suhaotian commented 5 days ago

Hey for the case of

We can override the value if use the defaults config:'/endpoint', {...}, {
  headers: {
     'Authorization': '',

For your case, I'm curious why you want delete the Content-Type in headers?

Because the default behaviour in xior.js, it will automatic process the dataJSON.stringify(data) and add Content-Type: 'application/json' in POST method:'/endpoint', { ... }, {
  transformRequest: [
    (data, headers) => {
      delete headers.common['Content-Type'];
      return JSON.stringify(data);

Same with:'/endpoint', { ... }); 
fetch('/endpoint', {
  method: 'post', body: JSON.stringify({...}), headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} 

For the feature transformRequest or transformResponse, May will consider to support in next version. Thanks!

JustDenP commented 5 days ago

Thanks for your answer, but there are cases when you want to remove the whole header, for example this one:

I use Xior also as a wrapper for Orval SDK generator, which sets some options, and headers automatically by provided openspec and with Content-Type multipart/form-data, I'm getting errors about missing Boundary. The only way I found to fix it - simply remove the Content-Type header and now it works. "Content-Type: undefined" didn't help because of "Unsupported Media Type" error from server.

The problem is I disabled the 'Content-Type': 'application/json' from my base Xior instance and I cannot use my SDK function, because I cannot override it. With something like transformRequest or transformResponse it would be super easy!

JustDenP commented 5 days ago

Also I'm not sure about "Because the default behaviour in xior.js, it will automatic process the dataJSON.stringify(data) and add Content-Type: 'application/json' in POST method", because if it's NOT set in default like this

export const ApiClient = xior.create({
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    credentials: 'include'

Then post request will not have it, and it fixed my problem

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suhaotian commented 5 days ago

To remove headers for specify endpoint, we can use request interceptors to modify request object:

xiorInstance.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
  if (config.url === '/endpoint') {
     delete config.headers['Content-Type']
    or delete the `Content-Type` if the data is FormData, 
    because if it's formData, browser will automatically add headers 
  // if ( instanceof FormData) {
  //   delete config.headers['Content-Type']
  // }
  return config;

BTW, The 'Content-Type': 'application/json' is no necessary:

export const ApiClient = xior.create({
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    credentials: 'include'

Can just be:

export const ApiClient = xior.create({
    credentials: 'include'

And upload file example:

const formData = FormData();
formData.append('file', fileObject);
formData.append('field1', 'val1');
formData.append('field2', 'val2');'/upload', formData);