suhetao / stm32f4_mpu9250

Access the data of 3-axis magnetometer and DMP from MPU9250 with SPI interface, All data fusion via EKF/UKF/CKF/SRCKF algorithm
MIT License
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How to link "arm_cortexM4lf_math" #3

Open miguel-neurodigital opened 6 years ago

miguel-neurodigital commented 6 years ago


I am trying to use your filter with 'CooCox CoIDE' but I get this error:

"libarm_cortexm4lf_math.a: file not recognized: File format not recognized"

Any idea why is this happening? Do you know how to solve it?

Thanks in advance.

veskers commented 6 years ago

You should download and add CMSIS lib (arm_math.h). Then, add some .C files into project (like arm_mat_add32.c) those you need.