suhrawardi / memorizr

An open source app to archive, share and discuss quotes, notes and attachments.
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Add a page with a list of all the members #5

Open suhrawardi opened 10 years ago

suhrawardi commented 10 years ago

Add a {controller: users, action: index} page with a list of all the users. We need to add pagination as well.

AkshataDM commented 10 years ago

Added a index action with pagination and a page to list users. But I am having some issues with deploying and running on local server.

suhrawardi commented 10 years ago

What is the problem that you are having with the deployment on a local server? Can you tell me how you are deploying?

AkshataDM commented 10 years ago

I tried deploying it with heroku. I think the problem is because the version of ruby i am using is different. I'll try this again

suhrawardi commented 10 years ago

What is the error you are facing? Will have a look at it myself as well...

AkshataDM commented 10 years ago

Precompiling assets failed. !

! Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app

To ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to ''

suhrawardi commented 10 years ago

Yes, trying to run it myself on Heroku as well, and it is failing. The important bit of the error is this line: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /tmp/build_556d96a5-5d26-47d2-9ab1-67634c9d357d/config/settings.yml We use a config/settings.yml file for the application settings. But this is not working on Heroku. I'm working on it, but still haven't decided what the best way it would be to solve this issue... :-s

Right now I'm looking at what the possibilities are. Won't be able to fix it tonight, but will work on it and let you know once it is solved!

suhrawardi commented 10 years ago

See the of how to fix above error. It's a workaround, and I'm thinking of a better way. But, Memorizr is using Mysql as a database, Heroku uses Postgresql, and that triggers another error. Will see whether I can fix that another time.

suhrawardi commented 10 years ago

Had a closer look at the problem. You can change the database to Postgresql, although that currently gives me an error message during the migrations: undefined method has_attached_file' for #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter::Table:0x007f00c03f6fc0>/app/db/migrate/20120221164316_add_image_to_unit.rb:4:inblock in change'

You can use Mysql as well on Heroku though: Although I haven't tried that out myself, I think this should work. Pls feel free to let me know if you have any problems.