sui77 / rc-switch

Arduino lib to operate 433/315Mhz devices like power outlet sockets.
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Help to debug unknown protocol #276

Open rickitaly opened 5 years ago

rickitaly commented 5 years ago

Hi, i purchased now from amazon a key finder running at 433.92 MHZ because i would like to use just the remote transmitter to trigger some mqtt action. It is very nice with 5 colored buttons signals i would like to catch. Here is the product: The board of the transmitter is equipped with an NDR4208 K3 chip and the FCC file says that the device uses the ASK modulation. I am already using rc-switch with Openmqttgateway on several esp32-esp8266 devices and i am very happy about it. Unfortunately it looks like there is no standard protocol for this device, so i started to approach the very interesting wiki about adding new remotes. I could carry on investigation with the following results. For this test i am using an Arduino Uno with SRX882. rawdata As you can see i can identify a base sequence which is repeated several times, and the different buttons have different sequences. There is for all colors a pulse lenght of around 300-330µs and then i find these averages i identified:

red: 305,7143 464,3478 1044,141 3035,091

green: 308,225 419,4783 1038,177 3047,956

blue: 307,673 542,087 1037,833 3049,099

purple: 331,7215 512,8696 1021,374 3061,652

yellow: 302,9814 636 1049,646 3042,545

I also performed scan with the Martin-Laclaustra modified library and surprisingly just the red button is giving me an help that is the following: 13 times i get this:

`Received 254 / 8bit Protocol: 0

data bits of pulse train duration: 10596 proposed protocol: { 265, { 11, 12 }, { 1, 4 }, { 4, 1 }, true }

first level down 3020 3060 1044 300 1048 304 1044 308 1040 308 1040 308 1040 312 1016 308 128 1048  


The purple button only few times (maybe 1 time out of 20 push) is giving an output like this: ` Received 63 / 6bit Protocol: 4

data bits of pulse train duration: 8140 proposed protocol: { 339, { 1, 9 }, { 1, 3 }, { 3, 1 }, false }

first level down 3044 1048 312 1044 316 1040 320 1036 324 1032 328 1028 312 292

` Other buttons are not triggering any feedback from the Martin-Laclaustra.

At this point of my investigation i don't understand how to proceed according to the wiki, what can i identify from this and how to implement the new protocol data. Actually i don't really need to send any data, would be enough for me to identify which button has been pushed so that i can trigger some mqtt signal. I include also raw data used to show you the results. Can anybody help me in my investigation? How should i proceed in the definition of the protocol? Thank you and have a nice day! rfanalysis.xlsx

Martin-Laclaustra commented 5 years ago

With this library you can only expect to mimic the signal, but never to receive it. To achieve producing a similar signal (which does not seem to be you aim) you should use my branch Search around a little bit in issues and pull request to find out what to do if you want to try that. Just for curiosity, I provide here some ideas about your data. Your alignment above seems suboptimal. I propose a different one. I approximated and rounded durations.

Base (pulse) 150

bits Red     Green     Blue     Purple     Yellow    
strange 300 2   300 2   300 2   300 2   300 2  
  450 3   450 3   450 3   450 3   450 3  
long 1050 7 0 1050 7 0 1050 7 0 3000 20 1 1050 7 0
  3000 20   3000 20   3000 20   1050 7   3000 20  
  1050 7 0 1050 7 0 3000 20 1 1050 7 0 1050 7 0
  3000 20   3000 20   1050 7   3000 20   1050 7  
  1050 7 0 3000 20 1 1050 7 0 1050 7 0 3000 20 1
  3000 20   1050 7   3000 20   3000 20   1050 7  
  3000 20 1 1050 7 0 1050 7 0 1050 7 0 3000 20 1
  1050 7   3000 20   3000 20   3000 20   1050 7  
short 300 2 0 1050 7 1 300 2 0 1050 7 1 300 2 0
  1050 7   300 2   1050 7   300 2   1050 7  
  300 2 0 1050 7 1 300 2 0 1050 7 1 300 2 0
  1050 7   300 2   1050 7   300 2   1050 7  
  300 2 0 300 2 0 1050 7 1 1050 7 1 1050 7 1
  1050 7   1050 7   300 2   300 2   300 2  
  300 2 0 1050 7 1 300 2 0 1050 7 1 1050 7 1
  1050 7   300 2   1050 7   300 2   300 2  
  300 2 0 300 2 0 1050 7 1 1050 7 1 1050 7 1
  1050 7   1050 7   300 2   300 2   300 2  
  300 2 0 300 2 0 1050 7 1 1050 7 1 300 2 0
  1050 7   1050 7   300 2   300 2   1050 7  

This is what I inferred: There is a "strange" bit, that could be the sync. It is very short high + aprox. very short low. Followed by 4 "long" data bits: long high + short low (1) or short high + long low (0). Followed by 6 "short" data bits: short high + very short low (1) or very short high + short low (0).

At least this is an initial approach to these devices. Best luck!