sui77 / rc-switch

Arduino lib to operate 433/315Mhz devices like power outlet sockets.
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support for longer pulses, as delayMicroseconds can only wait 16383us #432

Open tomaskovacik opened 2 years ago

tomaskovacik commented 2 years ago


I am playing with NICE flo2 [1] remotes with M1E chip [2]

Based on the output from "receiver example" the protocol of these remotes is 11 with pulses around 665us:

Decimal: 1161 (12Bit) Binary: 010010001001 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 665 microseconds Protocol: 11
Raw data: 23916,636,716,1312,1396,636,720,1304,720,1304,1404,628,720,1304,720,1304,716,1300,1400,632,720,1304,716,1304,1400,

Decimal: 1162 (12Bit) Binary: 010010001010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 664 microseconds Protocol: 11
Raw data: 23912,636,716,1312,1404,628,720,1304,720,1304,1396,636,720,1304,720,1300,720,1300,1400,632,724,1296,1400,632,720,

unfortunately, "send example" did not work for me because the protocol requires 35x665us pulse which is more than 16383(max for delayMicrosecons() [3]).

so I simply split delays to milliseconds delay and microseconds delay using basic calculations, which works for me.

generated codes using send example with simple mySwitch.setProtocol(11,665);

Decimal: 1161 (12Bit) Binary: 010010001001 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 670 microseconds Protocol: 11
Raw data: 24140,680,748,1344,1420,680,744,1348,748,1356,1412,684,752,1344,748,1344,748,1344,1416,676,748,1340,748,1344,1416,

Decimal: 1162 (12Bit) Binary: 010010001010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 670 microseconds Protocol: 11
Raw data: 24144,688,736,1356,1408,688,740,1356,740,1356,1408,680,748,1348,744,1348,748,1344,1416,676,744,1344,1420,680,744,

[1] [2] [3]