sui77 / rc-switch

Arduino lib to operate 433/315Mhz devices like power outlet sockets.
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Use IRAM_ATTR in place of ICACHE_RAM_ATTR #457

Open MHz000 opened 2 years ago

MHz000 commented 2 years ago

Hallo Suat, ich bin nicht so vertraut mit Git und pull request, daher hier mein Vorschlag in der rc-switch library in Zeile #48 ICACHE_RAM_ATTR durch IRAM_ATTR zu ersetzen. Wieso? Ich bekomme beim flaschen eines ESP8266 nach erfolgreicher Compilation mit VS code folgende Fehlermeldung: [{ "resource": "/c:/Dropbox/VScode/433MHz_sniffer-pull-req/.pio/libdeps/d1/rc-switch/RCSwitch.cpp", "owner": "cpp", "severity": 4, "message": "'static bool RCSwitch::receiveProtocol(int, unsigned int)' is deprecated: Use IRAM_ATTR in place of ICACHE_RAM_ATTR to move functions into IRAM [-Wdeprecated-declarations]", "startLineNumber": 692, "startColumn": 45, "endLineNumber": 692, "endColumn": 45 }]

'static bool RCSwitch::receiveProtocol(int, unsigned int)' is deprecated: Use IRAM_ATTR in place of ICACHE_RAM_ATTR to move functions into IRAM [-Wdeprecated-declarations] Jochen

MHz000 commented 12 months ago

same for me... Will this be fixed in an upcommig version?

Thank you for that great lib!