suiko1984 / geofirestore-android

GeoFire for Android - Realtime location queries with Firebase Cloud Firestore
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Data listener billed for all reads even when caching is enabled #16

Open cbarrios opened 4 years ago

cbarrios commented 4 years ago

I would like to investigate this condition with you guys first then with the firebase team. According to them when getting docs from cache they won't charge a read. However I do get billed for every doc fired by onDataEntered even when I have them in cache and even when they have not changed on firestore. I also read that a listener disconnected before after 30 minutes would re generate a brand new query but even this is not supposed to read all of them if not changed. What are your thoughts?

I have also tested the fact that while the listener is recently started and it's active you may close the app and start it and you won't get billed for those reads. It appears to be the fact that listener disconnection is affecting it.