suitcss / base

CSS base styles for web apps (a thin layer on top of normalize.css)
MIT License
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Reset link styles #26

Closed AntonTrollback closed 8 years ago

AntonTrollback commented 8 years ago

Link styles can instead be applied using the following techniques:

I have been testing this out in a few projects and really like it.

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

How do you mean? Should the base undo some browser defaults?

AntonTrollback commented 8 years ago

Yep. It's already removing button styles and margins.

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I tend to extend base with my own one that then adds things to links, headers and paragraphs. basically element selectors only.

It sounds sensible that this package could remove colours, underlines and such

necolas commented 8 years ago

i've come to think of any tag-level styles as an anti-pattern. once a component depends on these kinds of tag style resets, its rendering is that much less predictable.

timkelty commented 8 years ago

@necolas Philosophically I agree, but when it comes to dealing with user generated content (e.g. something from a CMS), I tend to always need a component with some tag-level dependents for basic typography.

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

It tends to depend on your app I suppose. A lot of the time I write components that aren't shared amongst projects but are reused in the same one. This does allow you some control over element selectors.

If I were to publish components outside of that domain I would agree depending on existing base styles as risky.

giuseppeg commented 8 years ago

I agree with @necolas on this one. I like the u-link and Type idea better. In fact I use it for my blog

timkelty commented 8 years ago

@giuseppeg Yep, i employ a similar approach as your example. I'm all for resetting link styles here, then.

On a related note, I've found it curious is that utils-link seems to rely on the assumption that links are styled with underlined hovers.

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

So would this mainly effect just the text underline? I feel like colours are theme domain

AntonTrollback commented 8 years ago

What I had in mind, rendering links as plain text:

a {
  color: inherit;
  text-decoration: inherit;

I try not to extend base with any global tag-level styles. I basically move that stuff, like page background and a global font-family, to a .Site or .Page component.

timkelty commented 8 years ago

Makes sense to me.

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

@AntonTrollback Want to PR this?

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

I jumped in and added it, just a small change

giuseppeg commented 8 years ago
rendering links as plain text

This is wrong imho because it resets the defaults for active and visited states and in general makes it look like normal text. Personally I would keep the browser defaults.

timkelty commented 8 years ago

@giuseppeg, @necolas: I'm seeing your points here, except couldn't you make the same case for all the styles here? For instance, button is reset to not look like buttons, and any Component relies on that reset will have the same pitfalls.

This repo seems like an exception, as it is more a convenient way to get a blank start. If you were worried about your components relying on any resets, then I would say just don't use suitcss-base.

That said, I don't feel super strongly either way about the particular case of the a reset, so whatever the consensus is works for me.

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

What's the consensus? I'm also on the fence. It's something I define in every project anyway

giuseppeg commented 8 years ago

What I would reset from normalize is margins and box-sizing only. The rest is something I define in every project anyway.

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

Maybe we should leave this then

timkelty commented 8 years ago

Side note: an option could be to deprecate this package and condone the use of sanitize.css

AntonTrollback commented 8 years ago

My experience with global tag-level styles is that they become annoying when creating navigations and generic stuff like Component-action. Especially when components could be shared across different apps and you no longer know what styles to take into concern.

once a component depends on these kinds of tag style resets, its rendering is that much less predictable.

The more I think about this the more I feel like normalize.css is about the only thing a generic component should depend on. It solves the problem above and is probably a better approach than reseting everything.

I'll try it out :) I'm fine with closing this issue.