suitcss / suit

Style tools for UI components
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Update #118

Closed oleersoy closed 8 years ago

oleersoy commented 8 years ago

The reference to the component dependency manager should be removed.

oleersoy commented 8 years ago

The introduction on the site says this:

SUIT CSS is a reliable and testable styling methodology for component-based UI development. A collection of CSS packages and build tools are available as modules. SUIT CSS plays well with React, Ember, Angular, and other component-based approaches to UI development.


SUIT CSS provides css naming and structural conventions, baseline scaffolding, utilities, components, and development tools for CSS design, extension, testing, and dependency management served up as a set of easily digestible discrete packages adhering to a module based philosophy.

oleersoy commented 8 years ago

The Future Facing CSS Preprocessor section needs to be updated. Also it could be more clear how @import works with package.json. Reference

timkelty commented 8 years ago

@oleersoy You're referring to using postcss-import?

oleersoy commented 8 years ago

@timkelty possibly. When I searched for the package.json style attribute reference documentation, I could not find any, so I have some questions around the current support level from NPM with respect to the style attribute, if that is indeed the approach that is going to be used. The question is "What is the standard way to package CSS for NPM?".

Also I think the CSS Preprocessor concept should be eliminated and replaced with snippets that show how to perform various css preprocessing steps atomically using Gulp or Grunt. For example:

This avoids reliance on things like rework-suit, which caused a build break in when rework-suit removed the autoprefixer:

necolas commented 8 years ago

Let's just point to cssnext docs on setup.

necolas commented 8 years ago

@simonsmith there's no gh-pages branch for that repo because github automatically knows it is a gh-page from the repo name

simonsmith commented 8 years ago

Oh nice tip, did not know that

giuseppeg commented 8 years ago

@oleersoy the style property in package.json is a rework-npm thing. More details can be found in the package page.

Some folks are still using rework and ideally could import the suitcss packages and compile them with it, so I say let's keep em – it doesn't hurt anybody.

Is the dependency resolution issue still a thing?

Regarding the docs, I personally like the current form.

SUIT CSS is a reliable and testable styling methodology for component-based UI development.

SUIT is primarily a styling methodology :+1:

A collection of CSS packages and build tools are available as modules.

SUIT is not a framework like Boostrap, there are some modules in the org but you don't have to use them :+1:

Generally speaking is just a landing page, details can be added to the docs.

oleersoy commented 8 years ago

WRT to dependency management I added a request for postcss-import to support the main attribute for CSS packages:

This will improve the workflow slightly. At least in my case.

I would include the net effect on project steering and user impression in the criteria for evaluating whether a description is good. Documentation should also be cohesive and DRY. If something is changed in one place that, then hopefully it does not need to be changed in another.