suitcss / suit

Style tools for UI components
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Update naming of variables to comply with new conventions #148

Closed kristoforsalmin closed 6 years ago

kristoforsalmin commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone,

Since we got new naming conventions for variables it's probably a good time to start applying them. Here's the list of places off the top of my head where we can potentially update stuff:

I might be wrong about components-arrange and components-grid, though. Documentation kindly suggests using camel case when defining shared variables, but as for component-related variables I can only guess by syntax definition and examples.

Most importantly some of the SUIT CSS users must be using those variables and if we're going to update naming I'd have considered it as a API change, therefore new major version might be required.


frekyll commented 6 years ago

@racse1 I totally agree. Yeah, this could be kind of huge. I could work on a pull request for applying the new convention everywhere.

kristoforsalmin commented 6 years ago

@frekyll Sounds great!

Few more places:

simonsmith commented 6 years ago

Yeah, this crossed my mind too. Thanks for gathering it all together @racse1