sujithsomraaj / lifi-stargate-v2-audit

3 Day Review [10 Jun 2024 - 13 Jun 2024]
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Lack of `_from` address validation in `lzCompose` could lead to loss of user funds #3

Open sujithsomraaj opened 3 months ago

sujithsomraaj commented 3 months ago

Context: ReceiverStargateV2.sol#L84

Description: The function lzCompose is called by LayerzeroEndpoint to deliver a composed message from OApp (stargate in our case); however, the current implementation of lzCompose fails to validate if the _from address is trusted stargate OApp.

As a result, any contract that implements the IPool interface could pose as a valid stargate pool and steal tokens from the ReceiverStargateV2 contract.

Recommendation: Implement checks to ensure the _from address is a valid Stargate OApp address on the relevant chain. For more information, please refer to Layerzero docs and stargate docs.

  function lzCompose(
        address _from,
        bytes32, // _guid (not used)
        bytes calldata _message,
        address, // _executor (not used)
        bytes calldata // _extraData (not used)
    ) external payable onlyEndpointV2 {
+    if(_from != stargateV2) revert();



maxklenk commented 3 months ago

I fear that is not easily possible as depending from which chain we interact with stargate the address may be different. The main question is, if that is really needed or if stargate itself already validates that. As far as I understood so far it should not matter who the _from address is, because by validating that the calls come from the stargate executor (onlyEndpointV2) we make sure that stargate delivered those tokens to our contract before.

sujithsomraaj commented 3 months ago

Hey @maxklenk, yes, the _from address validation is mandatory. If you take a deeper look into the layerzero endpoint, anyone could compose a message to be delivered to the Receiver contract.


sujithsomraaj commented 3 months ago

So anyone could be made to call the lzCompose in the receiver contract from the endpoint. So trusting the endpoint alone is not a valid protection

maxklenk commented 3 months ago

I see, thanks for checking. We have to improve that @0xDEnYO

0xDEnYO commented 3 months ago

Yes, that is correct. Very good that you found this one @sujithsomraaj

Since the pool/_from address will differ depending on the token being bridged I would suggest the following mitigation approach:

What do you think? @maxklenk @sujithsomraaj

maxklenk commented 3 months ago

As discussed in the internal call today this is not sufficient, but checking that the _from address is a stargate pool by verifying that on the tokenMessenger contract will solve the problem.

0xDEnYO commented 3 months ago
    function lzCompose(
        address _from,
        bytes32, // _guid (not used)
        bytes calldata _message,
        address, // _executor (not used)
        bytes calldata // _extraData (not used)
    ) external payable onlyEndpointV2 {
        // verify that _from address is actually a Stargate pool by checking if Stargate's
        // TokenMessaging contract has an assetId registered for this address
        if (tokenMessaging.assetIds(_from) == 0) revert UnAuthorized();

        // get the address of the token that was received from Stargate bridge
        address bridgedAssetId = IPool(_from).token();

        // decode payload
            bytes32 transactionId,
            LibSwap.SwapData[] memory swapData,
            address receiver
        ) = abi.decode(
                (bytes32, LibSwap.SwapData[], address)

        // execute swap(s)

This is the updated Receiver code that also validates the _from parameter.

Full file:

Please could you comment. Can we close this issue with this solution? @sujithsomraaj @maxklenk @ezynda3

ezynda3 commented 3 months ago

Looks good to me. Nice solution.

sujithsomraaj commented 3 months ago


0xDEnYO commented 3 months ago

New solution accepted - issue closed.