sukima / ember-cli-select-picker

An enhanced Boostrap styled select component addon for Ember CLI
MIT License
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Where are the example hbs and .js files.? #69

Open GitSahib opened 7 years ago

sukima commented 7 years ago

Are you asking about the documentation site? The examples in the documentation are in tests/dummy/app/templates/

GitSahib commented 7 years ago

The hbs is there. I know. I was asking about the js file, means the data structure needed for groups etc. Thank you for response. Can there be an action called from the component where it is used to open the drop down automatically?

sukima commented 7 years ago

I was asking about the js file, means the data structure needed for groups

You mean the controllers for the dummy app? tests/dummy/app/controllers/

Can there be an action called from the component where it is used to open the drop down automatically?

I did not fully understand what you meant by an action in that context. An Ember.Evented object? an action that registers a callback? Can you provide maybe an example code that illustrates what you would like to happen?

If I extrapolate what I think you're asking then perhaps you meant what property controls the open closed state. In which case I don't think I had one. Which leads me to my next thought below…

Have you seen ember-power-select? This project is not really maintained much anymore and my projects have pretty much switched to ember-power-select instead.

GitSahib commented 7 years ago

Ok. So I have two lists. second one loads and displays after something is selected from the first one. The data comes from api call after selecting a code from first one. Everything goes well but I am unable to open the drop down programmatically when the second list is loaded and the drop down is displayed. The user is needed to click on it as default. I want to open the dropdown from controller.

sukima commented 7 years ago

I am unable to open the drop down programmatically

am pretty sure that support is not in the current version of this addon. I'd be happy to merge a PR for it. But, like I said before I've kinda deprecated this addon for ember-power-select.

sukima commented 7 years ago

If you really need to stick with this though I could try helping you if you send in an Pull Request to work off of. But you would receive much better support, flexibility, and maintainability with ember-power-select.

GitSahib commented 7 years ago

It would really help. If I use ember-power select I think its implementation is very different and I have to change a lot of code