SDR Object / Digital Repository Object
a. ID (e.g., DRUID)
a. ID Qualifiers (e.g. version)
a. Model (can we even capture this? e.g. Hybox::Item vs Dor::Item && Dor::Publishable etc.)
Event / Process
a. Creation or Deletion of a SDR Object
a. Update of SDR Object (including relationship creation btwn Objects)
a. Checks or Validations (e.g. checksums, file corruption, metadata profile validation, etc.)
a. Name of Event / Process (service, interface, method) called
Status post-Event / Process
a. Response Code
a. Response Message
a. Pass / Fall / Pending / … ?
Service / Process / Endpoint
a. Who called it?
a. When?
a. What data shape was passed to it?
a. What data shape did it pass back?
a. What was the response code & message?
More Detail
What path does a SDR Object (identified by a DRUID) take from SURI assignment in Ingest / Dor-Services to completion (available for discovery if applicable & preserved)?
What data is passed for a SDR Object processed through applications, services, and/or interfaces?
What responses were given for data passed representing a SDR Object’s through a service, application, interface?
Where in our repository system is a given SDR Object at a given moment?
Where do errors around a SDR Object’s data shape begin versus where they block a process (full fail)?
Reports / questions to ask of logs:
Break out per applications / machines being targeted in #5