sul-dlss-deprecated / was-thumbnail-service

rails app to create and serve thumbnail images for web archiving seed URIs.
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was-thumbnail-service: deal with 404s from orig urls #29

Open ndushay opened 8 years ago

ndushay commented 8 years ago

If looking up a memento url with id_ redirects to the original url, and the original url gives a 404 or similar un-thumbnailable response, what should happen?

options might include:

@nullhandle this one's needs you ...

ndushay commented 8 years ago


ndushay commented 8 years ago

Are other institutions getting thumbs via openwayback that cope better with this redirection issue? E.g. British Library and Internet Archive.

nullhandle commented 8 years ago

I can't replicate behavior observed by @ndushay that visiting the example archived URL redirects to the live site. I don't believe this is a common case, but if other examples can be found, we should consult code and/or individuals from the aforementioned organizations.