sul-dlss / content_search

IIIF Content Search API implementation for OCR in DOR
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Content search UX questions and analysis #5

Closed jkeck closed 6 years ago

jkeck commented 6 years ago

See also #10

anarchivist commented 6 years ago

Yes means the feature is supported. This is a work in progress.

Feature Wellcome NCSU NLW JHU IDA BL Other notes
phrase searching Yes. Does not use quotes to delimit phrases; quotes don't match phrase. Any multi-word term is treated as a phrase query. Yes. Uses quotes to delimit phrases. Yes. Quotes not necessary to delimit phrases. Yes. Uses quotes to delimit phrases Yes. Wellcome behavior. Yes. Phrase queries behave unusually since they span word-level annos. ...
stemming Yes (root-out) Yes (root-out; variant-in) Yes (root-out) Yes (root-out; variant-in) No Yes (root-out; variant-in) root-out: effect matches effective, effects, etc; variant-in: trained matches train, etc.
autocomplete Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ...
hyphenated word match across line break Yes Yes No ??? No No ...
line break phrase match Yes Yes - word-level anno issue - appears as 2 annos Yes No? No Yes/No - behaves unpredictably ...
page break phrase match No ??? No ??? Yes but odd behavior Yes but odd behavior ...
before/after Yes No No Yes but JHU-specific behavior Yes Yes ...
ggeisler commented 6 years ago

See #33 for UI suggestions that address some, though not all, of the questions raised in this ticket.