(Note this is also about matching the redis queue names with the job class name - see #2063 - assume no classes will have their names changed as a result of that ticketing, for now.)
[x] All replication redis queue names should be prefixed with replication_
[x] zipmaker should become replication_zipmaker
[x] zips_made should become replication_plexer
[x] s3_us_east_1_delivery should become replication_aws_us_east_1_delivery (check to be sure we are changing s3 to aws for this job class)
[x] s3_us_west_2_delivery should become replication_aws_us_west_2_delivery (check to be sure we are changing s3 to aws for this job class)
[x] ibm_us_south_delivery should become replication_ibm_us_south_delivery
[x] zip_endpoint_events should become replication_results_recorder
from storytime 2022-11-21
(Note this is also about matching the redis queue names with the job class name - see #2063 - assume no classes will have their names changed as a result of that ticketing, for now.)
(check to be sure we are changing s3 to aws for this job class)replication_aws_us_west_2_delivery
(check to be sure we are changing s3 to aws for this job class)replication_ibm_us_south_delivery
(Analogous ticket for audit queues: #2056)