Closed ndushay closed 7 years ago
@nullhandle said:
no need to use bagit. He envisioned our work would not use bagit. (However, Chris Beer thinks bagit might be a good idea as it captures a task that doesn't need to be coupled with WASAPI specifics ...)
current tool used is Library of Congress tool at
verifypayloadmanifests: Verifies the checksums in all payload manifests.
verifytagmanifests: Verifies the checksums in all tag manifests.
fillholey: Retrieves any missing pieces of a local bag.
LOCKSS: Thib says they don't care whether we use bagit or not
the bagit implementations that are part of sdr are probably intertwined with MoabVersioning stuff ...
We may need to have java 8 to use the latest from
"The Java library developed by the Library of Congress is the reference implementation and thus is known as the BagIt Library; it may be run as a standalone command-line tool or incorporated into applications. For example, the Bagger application (also developed by the Library of Congress) provides a graphical user interface to the BagIt Library."
Also note from, a list of bagit implementations from CDL, that the LoC implementation is the only java one included.
reason to use bagit vs. other downloading/validation approach?
what bagit tool is now used?
is bagit tool used by other relevant systems?
is bagit tool a good or bad thing for LOCKSS
should we keep using this bagit tool?
is there a java bagit tool we should consider?
exactly how does checksum validation occur now?
what checksum tools do we have available?
java has tools available.