sul-dlss / wasapi-downloader

Java application to download WARCs from WASAPI
6 stars 4 forks source link

capistrano: use from shared_configs #53

Closed ndushay closed 7 years ago

ndushay commented 7 years ago

last part of #25 (which I forgot)

connects to #25

Note that existing config/ is used by tests, but the file upon deployment is the one from shared_configs. (Yay)

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 95.192% when pulling d95f8cddf98c2f4bb411d4d3307ca54396d4d0e7 on shared-config-settings into 5568f6f9c5a6c22241e192984c94dca52992bdb1 on master.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 99.438% when pulling 722098623e2c9951053d960fdcd3b19cd535e458 on shared-config-settings into ac0704782a6784712d2415f2f442a624128d98ff on master.

ndushay commented 7 years ago

@jmartin-sul you might as well merge it; it's not controversial enough to require tommy's review, eh?