sulab-wmu / scPagwas

Obtain trait-relevant cell subpopulations by incorporating pathway activity transformed scRNA-seq data with GWAS data
32 stars 9 forks source link

Error in `.rowNamesDF<-`(x, value = value) #19

Closed 1667857557 closed 9 months ago

1667857557 commented 9 months ago


#------ Sat Nov 25 11:46:56 2023 ------## ******* 1st: Single_data_input function start! ********
** Start to filter single cell data!
Input single cell data!
6 cell types are remain, after filter!
##------ Sat Nov 25 11:51:41 2023 ------## ******* 2nd: Pathway_pcascore_run function start!! ********
* Start to get Pathway SVD socre!
  |=========                                               |  17%[1] "endo"
  |===================                                     |  33%[1] "myeloids"
  |============================                            |  50%[1] "fibro"
  |=====================================                   |  67%[1] "Tcells"
  |===============================================         |  83%[1] "SMC"
  |========================================================| 100%[1] "doube"

Using score as value column: use value.var to override.
Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
Error in `.rowNamesDF<-`(x, value = value) : 'row.names'里不允许有遗漏值
Timing stopped at: 366 35.39 414.3


> UpdateSeuratObject(sce.all)
Validating object structure
Updating object slots
Ensuring keys are in the proper structure
Ensuring feature names don't have underscores or pipes
Object representation is consistent with the most current Seurat version
An object of class Seurat 
21429 features across 64848 samples within 1 assay 
Active assay: RNA (21429 features, 2000 variable features)
 3 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, harmony, umap


> str(sce.all)
Formal class 'Seurat' [package "SeuratObject"] with 13 slots
  ..@ assays      :List of 1
  .. ..$ RNA:Formal class 'Assay' [package "SeuratObject"] with 8 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ counts       :Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ i       : int [1:162639385] 10 21 24 36 45 49 63 93 95 112 ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ p       : int [1:64849] 0 1673 3943 6073 8123 10222 11058 13104 14505 17786 ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 21429 64848
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:21429] "RP11-34P13.7" "FO538757.2" "AP006222.2" "RP4-669L17.10" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ x       : num [1:162639385] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 2 ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ factors : list()
  .. .. .. ..@ data         :Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ i       : int [1:162639385] 10 21 24 36 45 49 63 93 95 112 ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ p       : int [1:64849] 0 1673 3943 6073 8123 10222 11058 13104 14505 17786 ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 21429 64848
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:21429] "RP11-34P13.7" "FO538757.2" "AP006222.2" "RP4-669L17.10" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ x       : num [1:162639385] 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ factors : list()
  .. .. .. ..@   : num [1:2000, 1:64848] -0.5595 -0.5861 -0.0667 -0.8561 -0.4506 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2000] "HES4" "ISG15" "TNFRSF18" "MXRA8" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ key          : chr "rna_"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.orig   : NULL
  .. .. .. ..@ var.features : chr [1:2000] "IL1B" "CCL4L2" "CCL3L3" "CXCL8" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ meta.features:'data.frame':  21429 obs. of  5 variables:
  .. .. .. .. ..$ vst.mean                 : num [1:21429] 0.00196 0.08424 0.1163 0.00188 0.02037 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ vst.variance             : num [1:21429] 0.00195 0.08739 0.12468 0.00191 0.02218 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ vst.variance.expected    : num [1:21429] 0.00224 0.10283 0.14261 0.00215 0.02511 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ vst.variance.standardized: num [1:21429] 0.874 0.85 0.874 0.89 0.883 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ vst.variable             : logi [1:21429] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
  .. .. .. ..@ misc         : list()
  ..@   :'data.frame':    64848 obs. of  17 variables:
  .. ..$ orig.ident      : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1" "Normal_1" "Normal_1" "Normal_1" ...
  .. ..$ nCount_RNA      : num [1:64848] 4407 6781 5277 5773 6518 ...
  .. ..$ nFeature_RNA    : int [1:64848] 1673 2270 2130 2050 2099 836 2046 1401 3281 2090 ...
  .. ..$ group           : chr [1:64848] "Normal" "Normal" "Normal" "Normal" ...
  .. ..$ percent_mito    : num [1:64848] 5.54 5.37 5.51 3.91 3.73 ...
  .. ..$ percent_ribo    : num [1:64848] 23.3 13.3 11.8 28 32 ...
  .. ..$ percent_hb      : num [1:64848] 0.0227 0.0147 0 0 0.046 ...
  .. ..$ RNA_snn_res.0.01: Factor w/ 4 levels "0","1","2","3": 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 ...
  .. ..$ seurat_clusters : Factor w/ 24 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 3 10 4 2 6 11 6 6 16 3 ...
  .. ..$ RNA_snn_res.0.05: Factor w/ 8 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 2 5 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 ...
  .. ..$ RNA_snn_res.0.1 : Factor w/ 9 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 2 5 1 2 2 6 2 2 1 2 ...
  .. ..$ RNA_snn_res.0.2 : Factor w/ 13 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 2 6 1 2 4 8 4 4 1 2 ...
  .. ..$ RNA_snn_res.0.3 : Factor w/ 15 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 1 8 2 1 4 10 4 4 3 1 ...
  .. ..$ RNA_snn_res.0.5 : Factor w/ 19 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 1 8 2 1 4 9 4 4 14 1 ...
  .. ..$ RNA_snn_res.0.8 : Factor w/ 24 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 2 10 5 3 6 11 6 6 16 2 ...
  .. ..$ RNA_snn_res.1   : Factor w/ 24 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 3 10 4 2 6 11 6 6 16 3 ...
  .. ..$ celltype        : chr [1:64848] "endo" "myeloids" "fibro" "endo" ...
  ..@ active.assay: chr "RNA"
  ..@ active.ident: Factor w/ 6 levels "endo","myeloids",..: 1 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 ...
  .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  ..@ graphs      :List of 2
  .. ..$ RNA_nn :Formal class 'Graph' [package "SeuratObject"] with 7 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used: chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ i         : int [1:1296960] 0 2229 3735 4901 14329 14366 15767 17610 18701 22250 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ p         : int [1:64849] 0 16 24 56 87 104 123 170 180 209 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ Dim       : int [1:2] 64848 64848
  .. .. .. ..@ Dimnames  :List of 2
  .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ x         : num [1:1296960] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ factors   : list()
  .. ..$ RNA_snn:Formal class 'Graph' [package "SeuratObject"] with 7 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used: chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ i         : int [1:4069450] 0 88 116 342 580 1747 1749 2103 2229 2289 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ p         : int [1:64849] 0 79 151 233 317 377 447 556 668 745 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ Dim       : int [1:2] 64848 64848
  .. .. .. ..@ Dimnames  :List of 2
  .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ x         : num [1:4069450] 1 0.0811 0.0811 0.1111 0.1111 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ factors   : list()
  ..@ neighbors   : list()
  ..@ reductions  :List of 3
  .. ..$ pca    :Formal class 'DimReduc' [package "SeuratObject"] with 9 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ cell.embeddings           : num [1:64848, 1:50] 12.4 7.38 -12.86 15.75 15.37 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "PC_1" "PC_2" "PC_3" "PC_4" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ feature.loadings          : num [1:2000, 1:50] 0.00209 0.0018 0.00199 0.00586 -0.00885 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2000] "IL1B" "CCL4L2" "CCL3L3" "CXCL8" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "PC_1" "PC_2" "PC_3" "PC_4" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ feature.loadings.projected: num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used                : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ global                    : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. ..@ stdev                     : num [1:50] 11.95 8.66 8.34 5.8 4.89 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ key                       : chr "PC_"
  .. .. .. ..@ jackstraw                 :Formal class 'JackStrawData' [package "SeuratObject"] with 4 slots
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ empirical.p.values     : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ fake.reduction.scores  : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ empirical.p.values.full: num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ overall.p.values       : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. ..@ misc                      :List of 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ total.variance: num 1549
  .. ..$ harmony:Formal class 'DimReduc' [package "SeuratObject"] with 9 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ cell.embeddings           : num [1:64848, 1:50] 12.41 6.54 -14.13 15.75 15.21 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "harmony_1" "harmony_2" "harmony_3" "harmony_4" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ feature.loadings          : num [1:2000, 1:50] 55895 139860 -910 -560008 103591 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2000] "HES4" "ISG15" "TNFRSF18" "MXRA8" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "harmony_1" "harmony_2" "harmony_3" "harmony_4" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ feature.loadings.projected: num [1:2000, 1:50] 55895 139860 -910 -560008 103591 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2000] "HES4" "ISG15" "TNFRSF18" "MXRA8" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "harmony_1" "harmony_2" "harmony_3" "harmony_4" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used                : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ global                    : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. ..@ stdev                     : num [1:50] 11.96 7.91 8.31 5.64 3.23 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ key                       : chr "harmony_"
  .. .. .. ..@ jackstraw                 :Formal class 'JackStrawData' [package "SeuratObject"] with 4 slots
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ empirical.p.values     : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ fake.reduction.scores  : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ empirical.p.values.full: num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ overall.p.values       : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. ..@ misc                      : list()
  .. ..$ umap   :Formal class 'DimReduc' [package "SeuratObject"] with 9 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ cell.embeddings           : num [1:64848, 1:2] 6.06 -2.87 -8.18 6.26 9.28 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "scaled:center")= num [1:2] 0.2489 0.0817
  .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:64848] "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGAGGGTGG-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATACGAT-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGATGGCAC-1_1" "Normal_1_gene_martix.csv.gz_LZ037 AAACCCAAGGGAGTGG-1_1" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "UMAP_1" "UMAP_2"
  .. .. .. ..@ feature.loadings          : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. ..@ feature.loadings.projected: num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used                : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ global                    : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. ..@ stdev                     : num(0) 
  .. .. .. ..@ key                       : chr "UMAP_"
  .. .. .. ..@ jackstraw                 :Formal class 'JackStrawData' [package "SeuratObject"] with 4 slots
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ empirical.p.values     : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ fake.reduction.scores  : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ empirical.p.values.full: num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. .. .. ..@ overall.p.values       : num[0 , 0 ] 
  .. .. .. ..@ misc                      : list()
  ..@ images      : list()
  ..@ chr "SeuratProject"
  ..@ misc        : list()
  ..@ version     :Classes 'package_version', 'numeric_version'  hidden list of 1
  .. ..$ : int [1:3] 4 1 2
  ..@ commands    :List of 8
  .. ..$ NormalizeData.RNA             :Formal class 'SeuratCommand' [package "SeuratObject"] with 5 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ name       : chr "NormalizeData.RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ time.stamp : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2023-03-03 15:21:11"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ call.string: chr [1:2] "NormalizeData(input_sce, normalization.method = \"LogNormalize\", " "    scale.factor = 10000)"
  .. .. .. ..@ params     :List of 5
  .. .. .. .. ..$ assay               : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ normalization.method: chr "LogNormalize"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ scale.factor        : num 10000
  .. .. .. .. ..$ margin              : num 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ verbose             : logi TRUE
  .. ..$ FindVariableFeatures.RNA      :Formal class 'SeuratCommand' [package "SeuratObject"] with 5 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ name       : chr "FindVariableFeatures.RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ time.stamp : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2023-03-03 15:21:24"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ call.string: chr "FindVariableFeatures(input_sce)"
  .. .. .. ..@ params     :List of 12
  .. .. .. .. ..$ assay              : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ selection.method   : chr "vst"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ loess.span         : num 0.3
  .. .. .. .. ..$ clip.max           : chr "auto"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ mean.function      :function (mat, display_progress)  
  .. .. .. .. ..$ dispersion.function:function (mat, display_progress)  
  .. .. .. .. ..$ num.bin            : num 20
  .. .. .. .. ..$ binning.method     : chr "equal_width"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ nfeatures          : num 2000
  .. .. .. .. ..$ mean.cutoff        : num [1:2] 0.1 8
  .. .. .. .. ..$ dispersion.cutoff  : num [1:2] 1 Inf
  .. .. .. .. ..$ verbose            : logi TRUE
  .. ..$ ScaleData.RNA                 :Formal class 'SeuratCommand' [package "SeuratObject"] with 5 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ name       : chr "ScaleData.RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ time.stamp : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2023-03-03 15:21:28"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ call.string: chr "ScaleData(input_sce)"
  .. .. .. ..@ params     :List of 10
  .. .. .. .. ..$ features          : chr [1:2000] "IL1B" "CCL4L2" "CCL3L3" "CXCL8" ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ assay             : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ model.use         : chr "linear"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ use.umi           : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ do.scale          : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$         : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ scale.max         : num 10
  .. .. .. .. ..$ block.size        : num 1000
  .. .. .. .. ..$ num 3000
  .. .. .. .. ..$ verbose           : logi TRUE
  .. ..$ RunPCA.RNA                    :Formal class 'SeuratCommand' [package "SeuratObject"] with 5 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ name       : chr "RunPCA.RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ time.stamp : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2023-03-03 15:21:58"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ call.string: chr "RunPCA(input_sce, features = VariableFeatures(object = input_sce))"
  .. .. .. ..@ params     :List of 11
  .. .. .. .. ..$ assay          : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ features       : chr [1:2000] "IL1B" "CCL4L2" "CCL3L3" "CXCL8" ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ npcs           : num 50
  .. .. .. .. ..$ rev.pca        : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$  : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ verbose        : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ ndims.print    : int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5
  .. .. .. .. ..$ nfeatures.print: num 30
  .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr "pca"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ reduction.key  : chr "PC_"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ seed.use       : num 42
  .. ..$ Seurat..ProjectDim.RNA.harmony:Formal class 'SeuratCommand' [package "SeuratObject"] with 5 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ name       : chr "Seurat::ProjectDim.RNA.harmony"
  .. .. .. ..@ time.stamp : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2023-03-03 15:22:43"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ call.string: chr [1:2] "Seurat::ProjectDim(object, reduction =, overwrite = TRUE, " "    verbose = FALSE)"
  .. .. .. ..@ params     :List of 7
  .. .. .. .. ..$ reduction      : chr "harmony"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ assay          : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ dims.print     : int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5
  .. .. .. .. ..$ nfeatures.print: num 20
  .. .. .. .. ..$ overwrite      : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$      : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ verbose        : logi FALSE
  .. ..$ RunUMAP.RNA.harmony           :Formal class 'SeuratCommand' [package "SeuratObject"] with 5 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ name       : chr "RunUMAP.RNA.harmony"
  .. .. .. ..@ time.stamp : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2023-03-03 15:24:00"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ call.string: chr "RunUMAP(seuratObj, dims = 1:15, reduction = \"harmony\")"
  .. .. .. ..@ params     :List of 26
  .. .. .. .. ..$ dims                : int [1:15] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ reduction           : chr "harmony"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ assay               : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ slot                : chr "data"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ umap.method         : chr "uwot"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ return.model        : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ n.neighbors         : int 30
  .. .. .. .. ..$ n.components        : int 2
  .. .. .. .. ..$ metric              : chr "cosine"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ learning.rate       : num 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ min.dist            : num 0.3
  .. .. .. .. ..$ spread              : num 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ set.op.mix.ratio    : num 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ local.connectivity  : int 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ repulsion.strength  : num 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ negative.sample.rate: int 5
  .. .. .. .. ..$ uwot.sgd            : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ seed.use            : int 42
  .. .. .. .. ..$ angular.rp.forest   : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ densmap             : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ dens.lambda         : num 2
  .. .. .. .. ..$ dens.frac           : num 0.3
  .. .. .. .. ..$ dens.var.shift      : num 0.1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ verbose             : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$      : chr "umap"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ reduction.key       : chr "UMAP_"
  .. ..$ FindNeighbors.RNA.harmony     :Formal class 'SeuratCommand' [package "SeuratObject"] with 5 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ name       : chr "FindNeighbors.RNA.harmony"
  .. .. .. ..@ time.stamp : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2023-03-03 15:24:14"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ call.string: chr "FindNeighbors(input_sce, reduction = \"harmony\", dims = 1:15)"
  .. .. .. ..@ params     :List of 17
  .. .. .. .. ..$ reduction      : chr "harmony"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ dims           : int [1:15] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..$ assay          : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ k.param        : num 20
  .. .. .. .. ..$ return.neighbor: logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ compute.SNN    : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ prune.SNN      : num 0.0667
  .. .. .. .. ..$ nn.method      : chr "annoy"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ n.trees        : num 50
  .. .. .. .. ..$ annoy.metric   : chr "euclidean"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ nn.eps         : num 0
  .. .. .. .. ..$ verbose        : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ force.recalc   : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ do.plot        : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$     : chr [1:2] "RNA_nn" "RNA_snn"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ l2.norm        : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ cache.index    : logi FALSE
  .. ..$ FindClusters                  :Formal class 'SeuratCommand' [package "SeuratObject"] with 5 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ name       : chr "FindClusters"
  .. .. .. ..@ time.stamp : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2023-03-03 15:27:21"
  .. .. .. ..@ assay.used : chr "RNA"
  .. .. .. ..@ call.string: chr "FindClusters(input_sce.all, resolution = res, algorithm = 1)"
  .. .. .. ..@ params     :List of 10
  .. .. .. .. ..$      : chr "RNA_snn"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ modularity.fxn  : num 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ resolution      : num 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ method          : chr "matrix"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ algorithm       : num 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ n.start         : num 10
  .. .. .. .. ..$ n.iter          : num 10
  .. .. .. .. ..$ random.seed     : num 0
  .. .. .. .. ..$ group.singletons: logi TRUE
  .. .. .. .. ..$ verbose         : logi TRUE
  ..@ tools       : list()
dengchunyu commented 9 months ago


1667857557 commented 9 months ago

