sullivtr / terraform-provider-graphql

Terraform GraphQL plugin to automate the full life-cycle of graphql api resources.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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After successful apply, a new apply triggers another change #64

Closed GertVil closed 2 years ago

GertVil commented 2 years ago

I've been using the following terraform module: This has been working fine with 2.4.0 of the graphql provider, however whenever I upgraded to 2.5.0 the plan / apply show the following changes (this also fails on a "Clean" apply starting from 2.5.0 so not upgrading):

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # module.gitlab_kubernetes_agent.graphql_mutation.agent_token will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "graphql_mutation" "agent_token" {
        id                                  = "2478810530"
      ~ mutation_variables                  = {
          ~ "token_description" = "" -> "Token for KAS Agent Authentication"
          ~ "token_name"        = "" -> "kas-token"
            # (1 unchanged element hidden)
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)

  # module.gitlab_kubernetes_agent.graphql_mutation.cluster_agent will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "graphql_mutation" "cluster_agent" {
        id                                  = "3134422725"
      ~ mutation_variables                  = {
          ~ "project_path" = "" -> "redacted"
            # (1 unchanged element hidden)
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 2 to change, 0 to destroy.

When applying these the following error occurs:

Error: Provider produced inconsistent final plan

When expanding the plan for
module.gitlab_kubernetes_agent.graphql_mutation.agent_token to include new
values learned so far during apply, provider
"" produced an invalid new value for
.mutation_variables["agent_id"]: was
cty.StringVal("gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/5754"), but now

This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own
issue tracker.

It also looks like the module.gitlab_kubernetes_agent.graphql_mutation.agent_token has been deleted on the Gitlab side. So I think the change first happens in module.gitlab_kubernetes_agent.graphql_mutation.cluster_agent because the project path variable is empty somehow and the that triggers the delete / recreating of the token. Maybe this is related to the code change? For now, I can revert to using 2.4.0, but I'm wondering if this is an error in the graphql provider or if it's just incorrect usage of it.

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

Hi @GertVil Thank you for reporting this issue. I am investigating the issue and I will report back here when I figure out what is going on.

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@GertVil I think I see the problem. This is definitely a problem with the provider. I'll spend some time debugging this. v2.5.0 introduced a rather tricky mechanism for keeping track of server state in a generic way, and unfortunately it is failing for your use case, so I will likely need to make some adjustments.

For now, v2.4.0 has all of the latest features aside from the aforementioned changes.

Please stay tuned while I find a solution to this problem.

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@GertVil if you have time, can you upgrade to version v.2.5.0 and tell me what the output of the query_response_input_key_map property is on one of your resources? This will help me gain insight into ensuring I have proper fix for your issue.

Can you also tell me which terraform version you are using?

(edit): I believe the issue has to do with differences in how values are encoded between normal string inputs, and those that come from another resource's output. The error message:

cty.StringVal("gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/5754"), but now

Indicates that output value changed somehow, but I am not quite sure how at this level.

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@GertVil Apologies for the lot of messages as I discover more about this issue.

For v2.5.0 you have to ensure that your read_query also returns values that you set on mutation_variables. The reason you see the cluster_agent project path variable disappear is because you do not return it on your read query for cluster_agent:

Please add the path variable there and try again (along with answering the other questions I've asked haha, thanks for working with me 😄 )

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@GertVil I have not heard back from you on this issue. I plan to close the issue by the end of this week due to inactivity. Please let me know if this is still an issue for you. I want to make this provider as reliable as possible, and work for as many use-cases as possible. :)

GertVil commented 2 years ago

So sorry for the late reply: Terraform version: 0.14.8

  + agent_token_query_response_input_key_map   = {
      + "agent_id"          = ""
      + "token_description" = ""
      + "token_name"        = ""
  + cluster_agent_query_response_input_key_map = {
      + "agent_name"   = ""
      + "project_path" = ""

I'm not a 100% sure on how to do what you're asking with adding the project_path variable, could you help more there?

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@GertVil sure. So on the line of code I linked, you just need to add it to the graphql response like this:

  read_query      = <<EOT
    query getAgent($agent_name: String!, $project_path: ID!) {
      project(fullPath: $project_path) {
        clusterAgent(name: $agent_name) {

notice how I now also return the path property on the read_query.

NOTE: Im not actually sure what the structure of the response is from the API, so that may not be exact, but you just need to make sure that for anything you set in your mutation_variables, the read_query's response will include the value for those mutation variables somewhere in its response.

As a simpler example, say I have mutation variables that look like this:

  mutation_variables = {
    "name" = "someValueForName"
    "some_other_property" = "someValueForThisProperty"

Then I would need to ensure my read query asks for the properties that would return the respective values for each of those mutation_variables. For example:

  read_query      = <<EOT
    query getUserInfo($id: ID!) {
      user($id) {

👆🏼 Then, the provider will essentially fuzzy find the matching values from your read query that are associated with your mutation variables. So, for example, if it finds a value of someValueForThisProperty it will know that the someOtherProperty property maps to the mutations variable: some_other_property. I know this is slightly nuanced, but its the only way to ensure the provider can keep track of drift between remote state, and its own state.

Does this all makes sense? If not, Im always open to doing a zoom chat to walk through it and/or discord etc.

GertVil commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the elaboration! I managed to make it work a bit more be renaming the references to project_path to fullPath otherwise the fuzzy wouldn't match but then the issue continues with

      ~ mutation_variables                  = {
          ~ "token_description" = "" -> "Token for KAS Agent Authentication"
          ~ "token_name"        = "" -> "kas-token"
            # (1 unchanged element hidden)

I did add the description and name so so:

  read_query      = <<EOT
    query getToken($agent_name: String!, $fullPath: ID!) {
      project(fullPath: $fullPath) {
        clusterAgent(name: $agent_name) {
          tokens {
            edges {
              node {

but I'm guessing the fuzzyness doesn't match here too. Tried doing the same trick by renaming the fields but it still doesn't match

  ~ resource "graphql_mutation" "agent_token" {
        id                                  = "1028429438"
      ~ mutation_variables                  = {
          ~ "description" = "" -> "Token for KAS Agent Authentication"
          ~ "name"        = "" -> "kas-token"
            # (1 unchanged element hidden)
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)

Maybe there's a way we could provide hints so the matching could work?

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@GertVil Is there any way you can show me what the actual graphql read query responds with? (My example use of project_path was mostly just a guess, since I dont know the structure of the api response).

I took a look over the API for Gitlab, and I now realize that the tokens[edges[nodes[]]] is very deeply nested in the response.

It seems you are ultimately trying to get the name and description for a single node, is that correct? If so, I am wondering if you are able to use the ClusterAgentEdge query instead, which returns a single node of type ClusterAgentToken.

I need to enhance the logic in the provider's controller to be able to find values from a deeply nested list of items (Unfortunately some GQL APIs only return lists, and do not allow single item queries). I will get to work on providing this enhancement, but in the meantime, if its possible, can you attempt to use a query that returns a single ClusterAgent, as opposed to a nested list of cluster agents?

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@GertVil Great news, I was actually able to whip up a fix for this that should work for your current solution. I will need time to do a PR, write some more automated tests, and verify the solution. Once I have done all of that, Ill will cut a new release that should have you working on the latest version.

stay tuned.

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

Related PR:

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

A fix/enhancement PR was merged today. v2.5.1 will be automatically released within the next half hour, which should fix the issue presented here by ensuring that data values nested in array objects in the query response are properly represented by the server-state reconciler.

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@GertVil Please upgrade to v2.5.1 and let me know if you experience any issues. I'm happy to help

nadsat commented 2 years ago

Hi @sullivtr , we still have the same behavior with v2.5.1

Installing hashicorp/kubernetes v2.8.0...
- Installed hashicorp/kubernetes v2.8.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/helm v2.4.1...
- Installed hashicorp/helm v2.4.1 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing sullivtr/graphql v2.5.1...
- Installed sullivtr/graphql v2.5.1 (self-signed, key ID 271D1F8E7DF914[53](
Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.
If you'd like to know more about provider signing, you can read about it here:
Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
you run "terraform init" in the future.
Terraform has been successfully initialized!
graphql_mutation.cluster_agent: Modifying... [id=704964686]
helm_release.rabbitmq: Destroying... [id=cluster-rabbitmq]
graphql_mutation.cluster_agent: Modifications complete after 0s [id=704964686]
helm_release.rabbitmq: Destruction complete after 2s
helm_release.rabbitmq: Creating...
helm_release.rabbitmq: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
helm_release.rabbitmq: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
helm_release.rabbitmq: Still creating... [30s elapsed]
helm_release.rabbitmq: Still creating... [40s elapsed]
helm_release.rabbitmq: Creation complete after 41s [id=cluster-rabbitmq]
│ Error: Provider produced inconsistent final plan
│ When expanding the plan for graphql_mutation.agent_token to include new
│ values learned so far during apply, provider
│ "" produced an invalid new value for
│ .mutation_variables["agent_id"]: was
│ cty.StringVal("gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/89[56]("), but now
│ cty.StringVal("gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/89[61](").
│ This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's
│ own issue tracker.

this is an extract from the plan

Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  ~ update in-place
-/+ destroy and then create replacement
Terraform will perform the following actions:
  # graphql_mutation.agent_token will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "graphql_mutation" "agent_token" {
        id                                  = "3886449497"
      ~ mutation_variables                  = {
          ~ "agent_id"          = "" -> "gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/8956"
          ~ "token_description" = "" -> "Token for KAS Agent Authentication"
          ~ "token_name"        = "" -> "kas-token"
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # graphql_mutation.cluster_agent will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "graphql_mutation" "cluster_agent" {
        id                                  = "704964686"
      ~ mutation_variables                  = {
          ~ "project_path" = "" -> "my_project/terraform-example"
            # (1 unchanged element hidden)
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)
nadsat commented 2 years ago

in our case the definitions are based on

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@nadsat Can you send me documentation for the clusterAgent() query that is being made in this block here:

Im having trouble finding it in the gitlab documentation. I need to gain a better understanding of that that is returning exactly.

With that said, as I mentioned before, its important to ensure that the read_query for each mutation will return the values set by mutation_variables somewhere in its response.

For example, based on the setup of the cluster_agent resource, your read query for that resource should look like the following:

  read_query      = <<EOT
    query getAgent($agent_name: String!, $project_path: ID!) {
      project(fullPath: $project_path) {
        fullPath // Notice I am adding fullPath here, since your mutation variables set this, I want to include it in the query response
        clusterAgent(name: $agent_name) {
          name // You already include the name here, so this is already being populated. Notice your plan does not show `mutation_variables[agent_name]` being modified.

And the read query for the agent_token mutation should look like this:

  read_query      = <<EOT
    query getToken($agent_name: String!, $project_path: ID!) {
      project(fullPath: $project_path) {
        clusterAgent(name: $agent_name) {
          tokens {
            edges {
              node {
                description // Notice I am adding the name and description to the response here

As for why the agent_id is not found, Its not clear to me yet why the agent id is not found in the query response. Just know that when you see a diff that looks like this "agent_id" = "" -> "gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/8956", it ultimately means that the provider did not find a value representing the agent_id in the query response. The weird thing is, the GitLab documentation only seems to show a clusterAgents property being returned from Query.Projects, and I cant find any specific clusterAgent query in their documentation. If you know where it is and can share it, it will help me debug the underlying issue a little more easily.

nadsat commented 2 years ago

@sullivtr I'm not sure if this is the documentation you asked for

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

@nadsat is it possible that the cluster agent's ID changes at any time? Based on the logs you sent above, it appears that the cluster agent ID actually changed between the time of preview, and the time of apply somehow. Meaning, the provider queried the cluster agent and saw gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/8956, but then during apply time the agent ID mutated to become gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/8961 somehow, which is ultimately what is confusing the provider

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

I am curious to see what your plan shows if you run it again. If it shows ~ "agent_id" = "" -> "gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/8961" during the preview, that tells me that the ID did in fact mutate during the cluster_agent resource's update.

nadsat commented 2 years ago

We recreated the cluster from scratch, we run the plan twice and it worked

@sullivtr if it helps this was part of the plan the first time

  # graphql_mutation.agent_token will be created
  + resource "graphql_mutation" "agent_token" {
      + compute_from_create                 = true
      + compute_mutation_keys               = {
          + "secret"   = "clusterAgentTokenCreate.secret"
          + "token_id" = ""
      + computed_delete_operation_variables = (known after apply)
      + computed_read_operation_variables   = (known after apply)
      + computed_update_operation_variables = (known after apply)
      + create_mutation                     = <<-EOT
                mutation createToken($agent_id: ClustersAgentID!, $token_name: String!, $token_description: String!) {
                  clusterAgentTokenCreate(input: {clusterAgentId: $agent_id, description: $token_description, name: $token_name}) {
                    token {
      + delete_mutation                     = <<-EOT
                mutation deleteToken($token_id: ClustersAgentTokenID!) {
                  clusterAgentTokenDelete(input: {id: $token_id}) {
      + existing_hash                       = (known after apply)
      + id                                  = (known after apply)
      + mutation_variables                  = (known after apply)
      + query_response                      = (known after apply)
      + query_response_input_key_map        = (known after apply)
      + read_query                          = <<-EOT
                query getToken($agent_name: String!, $project_path: ID!) {
                  project(fullPath: $project_path) {
                    clusterAgent(name: $agent_name) {
                      tokens {
                        edges {
                          node {
      + read_query_variables                = {
          + "agent_name"   = "gke-agent"
          + "project_path" = "xxxx/xxxx/terraform/terraform-example"
      + update_mutation                     = <<-EOT
                mutation updateToken($token_id: ClustersAgentTokenID!, $agent_id: ClustersAgentID!, $token_name: String!, $token_description: String!) {
                  clusterAgentTokenDelete(input: {id: $token_id}) {
                  clusterAgentTokenCreate(input: {clusterAgentId: $agent_id, description: $token_description, name: $token_name}) {
                    token {
  # graphql_mutation.cluster_agent will be created
  + resource "graphql_mutation" "cluster_agent" {
      + compute_from_create                 = false
      + compute_mutation_keys               = {
          + "id"   = ""
          + "name" = ""
      + computed_delete_operation_variables = (known after apply)
      + computed_read_operation_variables   = (known after apply)
      + computed_update_operation_variables = (known after apply)
      + create_mutation                     = <<-EOT
                mutation createAgent($project_path: ID!, $agent_name: String!) {
                  createClusterAgent(input: { projectPath: $project_path, name: $agent_name }) {
                    clusterAgent {
      + delete_mutation                     = <<-EOT
                mutation deleteAgent($id: ID!) {
                  clusterAgentDelete(input: {id: $id}) {
      + existing_hash                       = (known after apply)
      + id                                  = (known after apply)
      + mutation_variables                  = {
          + "agent_name"   = "gke-agent"
          + "project_path" = "xxxx/xxxx/terraform/terraform-example"
      + query_response                      = (known after apply)
      + query_response_input_key_map        = (known after apply)
      + read_query                          = <<-EOT
                query getAgent($agent_name: String!, $project_path: ID!) {
                  project(fullPath: $project_path) {
                    clusterAgent(name: $agent_name) {
      + read_query_variables                = {
          + "agent_name"   = "gke-agent"
          + "project_path" = "xxxx/xxxx/terraform/terraform-example"
      + update_mutation                     = <<-EOT
                mutation updateAgent($id: ID!, $project_path: ID!, $agent_name: String!) {
                  clusterAgentDelete(input: {id: $id}) {
                  createClusterAgent(input: { projectPath: $project_path, name: $agent_name }) {
                    clusterAgent {

and the second time

# kubernetes_cluster_role.gitlab-agent-read has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_cluster_role" "gitlab-agent-read" {
        id = "gitlab-agent-read"
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent-read"
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ rule {
          + non_resource_urls = []
          + resource_names    = []
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # kubernetes_cluster_role.gitlab-agent-write has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_cluster_role" "gitlab-agent-write" {
        id = "gitlab-agent-write"
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent-write"
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ rule {
          + non_resource_urls = []
          + resource_names    = []
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.gitlab-admin has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "gitlab-admin" {
        id = "gitlab-admin"
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-admin"
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
  # kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.gitlab-agent-cluster-admin has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "gitlab-agent-cluster-admin" {
        id = "gitlab-agent-cluster-admin"
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent-cluster-admin"
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
  # kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.gitlab-agent-read-binding has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "gitlab-agent-read-binding" {
        id = "gitlab-agent-read-binding"
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent-read-binding"
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
  # kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.gitlab-agent-write-binding has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "gitlab-agent-write-binding" {
        id = "gitlab-agent-write-binding"
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent-write-binding"
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
  # kubernetes_deployment.gitlab-agent has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_deployment" "gitlab-agent" {
        id               = "gitlab-agent/gitlab-agent"
        # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent"
          ~ resource_version = "[299](" -> "4525"
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ spec {
            # (5 unchanged attributes hidden)
          ~ template {
              ~ metadata {
                  + annotations = {}
                    # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)
              ~ spec {
                  + node_selector                    = {}
                    # (11 unchanged attributes hidden)
                  ~ container {
                      + command                    = []
                        name                       = "agent"
                        # (8 unchanged attributes hidden)
                        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
                    # (1 unchanged block hidden)
            # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
  # kubernetes_namespace.gitlab-agent has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_namespace" "gitlab-agent" {
        id = "gitlab-agent"
      ~ metadata {
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent"
            # (4 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # kubernetes_namespace.gitops-apps has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_namespace" "gitops-apps" {
        id = "gitops-apps"
      ~ metadata {
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitops-apps"
            # (4 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # kubernetes_secret.gitlab-agent-token has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_secret" "gitlab-agent-token" {
        id        = "gitlab-agent/gitlab-agent-token"
        # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent-token"
            # (4 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # kubernetes_service_account.gitlab-admin has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_service_account" "gitlab-admin" {
        id                              = "kube-system/gitlab-admin"
        # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-admin"
            # (4 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # kubernetes_service_account.gitlab-agent has changed
  ~ resource "kubernetes_service_account" "gitlab-agent" {
        id                              = "gitlab-agent/gitlab-agent"
        # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ metadata {
          + annotations      = {}
          + labels           = {}
            name             = "gitlab-agent"
            # (4 unchanged attributes hidden)
        # (1 unchanged block hidden)

it seems our problem was might be related with the terraform cache,

@sullivtr thaks for your help

sullivtr commented 2 years ago

Interesting 🤔 @nadsat please let me know if you experience more related issues. Feel free to reopen this issue if that occurs.