sullo / nikto

Nikto web server scanner
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Double <niktoscan> tag in xml output #670

Closed microidz closed 3 years ago

microidz commented 4 years ago

Hi guys,

It seems like the XML output file structure changed since earlier version which now includes a "second set" of tags:

<!DOCTYPE niktoscan SYSTEM "/var/lib/nikto/docs/nikto.dtd">
<niktoscan hoststest="0" options="-h -o scanme_nikto -Format xml" version="2.1.6" scanstart="Thu Apr 16 16:14:47 2020" scanend="Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969" scanelapsed=" seconds" nxmlversion="1.2">

In the past, the file structure was like this:

So as this requires to manually modify the xml output before it can be ingested by Dradis, I would like to know if this "double tags format" will be the one used from now on. If that's the case, I'll put in a request to the Dradis folks so they can modify the parser.


tautology0 commented 4 years ago

The top level tag seems to be in error - it definitely shouldn't be before the DOCTYPE.

microidz commented 4 years ago

[edited to remove email address]

Hi, here's the Nikto command I'm using to perform the scan: nikto -h -o scanme_nikto -Format xml

I'm running nikto version 2.1.6

I've also joined the output file from Nikto.

tautology0 commented 4 years ago

This is a wee bit more complex to fix than it should be - looks like our DTD is a tad out of date as well.

rachkor commented 4 years ago

The top level tag seems to be in error - it definitely shouldn't be before the DOCTYPE. @tautology0 I'm with the Dradis support team. Based on this response, my current plan is to not update our Nikto upload plugin and to wait for a Nikto update to remove the second set of niktoscan tags. Does that make sense with your plans?

sullo commented 3 years ago

The updated XML format is only slightly different than before. TLDR; The outermost <niktoscan> elements have been updated as <niktoscans>. This required the order of report opening to change.

The new schema is, essentially:

  <niktoscans>          # Wrapper for this invocation of Nikto
    <niktoscan>         # Scan of one host (ip+name+port+protocol); multiple allowed
      <scandetails>     # Details of the scan
      <item></item>     # Scan item (finding); mulitple allowed
      </scandetails>        # Closing Details of the scan
    </niktoscan>        # Closing Scan of one host 
  </niktoscans>         # Closing the Wrapper for this invocation of Nikto

Also tagging #467 for closure