sultan-of-rum / morrowind-scripting-for-dummies

Morrowind Scripting for Dummies -- 2021 edition
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Add files, load all external scripts, improve toc, and edit out unicode characters from scripts #11

Closed tmr83 closed 3 years ago

tmr83 commented 3 years ago

Note: I am unsure why I created this txt file: TT_pickmace. I couldn't find where it goes in the doc.

tmr83 commented 3 years ago

I accidentally removed some text. For example:

\textbf{Notes}: According to my testing, the activate function can not -be used by itself, without OnActivate in the same script. The OnActivate -and Activate functions can be in different parts of the script, though. -However, Activate will not work before OnActivate has not at least been -called once. There have been reports that the object also must have been -manually activated at least once within the last 72 hours, so apparently -the game eventually forgets that OnActivate has been called previously. -Containers require manual activation each load session (forum info / -Phaedrus). Play around with this testscript (I had it attached to a -door) to see for yourself:

-Begin GBG_closing_door

-Short done

-if ( \textbf{OnActivate} == 1 )

-MessageBox "Thank you for activating"


-if ( done == 0 )

-If ( GetDistance, Player \textless{} 100 )

-set done to 1

-MessageBox "Player close"



-if ( done == 1 )

-If ( GetDistance, Player \textgreater{} 200 )

-MessageBox "Sesame"


-set done to 0





-Begin TT_pickmace

-short doonce

-short AIState

-if ( doonce == 0 )

-if ( GetDistance, Player \textless{} 400 )

-\textbf{AIActivate} TT_daedric_mace

-set doonce to 1


-elseif ( doonce == 1 )

-set AIState to GetCurrentAIPackage

-MessageBox "Package = \%g", AIState

-if ( GetItemCount, TT_daedric_mace \textgreater= 1 ); when NPC has the -mace in his inventory

-MessageBox "Done"

-AIWander 512, 5, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 10, 30, 0, 0

-set doonce to 2





-Begin TT_pickmace

-short doonce

-short AIState

-if ( doonce == 0 )

-if ( GetDistance, Player \textless{} 400 )

-\textbf{AIActivate} TT_daedric_mace

-set doonce to 1


-elseif ( doonce == 1 )

-set AIState to GetCurrentAIPackage

-MessageBox "Package = \%g", AIState

-if ( GetItemCount, TT_daedric_mace \textgreater= 1 ); when NPC has the -mace in his inventory

-MessageBox "Done"

-AIWander 512, 5, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 10, 30, 0, 0

-set doonce to 2


