sultana-mnw / cloud

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tesrting #1

Open blockchain-app12 opened 4 years ago

blockchain-app12 commented 4 years ago

_`(without "") example code _`(without "")

blockchain-app12 commented 4 years ago

example code
```(without "_")
sultana-mnw commented 4 years ago

``` fg````

sultana-mnw commented 4 years ago

` jhghgh `

sultana-mnw commented 4 years ago

` waves { directory = "./data" # replaced to /data data-directory = ${}"/data" leveldb-cache-size = 256M network { file = ${}"/peers.dat" bind-address = "[::]" # IPv6 bind-address = "" # IPv4 port = 6863 known-peers = ["", "", "", ""] #TESTNET peers-data-residence-time = 1d black-list-residence-time = 15m max-inbound-connections = 30 max-outbound-connections = 30 max-single-host-connections = 3 connection-timeout = 30s max-unverified-peers = 100 enable-peers-exchange = yes enable-blacklisting = yes peers-broadcast-interval = 2m handshake-timeout = 30s suspension-residence-time = 1m upnp { enable = yes gateway-timeout = 7s discover-timeout = 3s } traffic-logger { ignore-tx-messages = [23, 25] # BlockMessageSpec, TransactionMessageSpec ignore-rx-messages = [25] # TransactionMessageSpec } } wallet { file = ${}"/wallet/wallet.dat" password = "1234567890"

seed ="2KQpVVPohiRMFhipicaZfKcpP35SfTenNUB2YudvUtCr7QQyVoBJUbKU6RqTML79YyTxNXxXGgck6KfS15frrCCp3DhkfKhdXJtEmAeiLJaEvpMKX9zmfLMySWWb9"

cross shuffle run again parent civil ball plate fluid giggle seminar witness invest title } blockchain { max-transactions-per-block-diff = 6000 min-blocks-in-memory = 100 type = TESTNET #replaced from } checkpoints { public-key = "4PvoqxpWi7kCA9N3UXcEB9CZx4iPPeHX9jSYdAioPhnr" } matcher { enable = yes account = "3N8RaYaYQEYTENbMLxYRsyWUQWzqALHjmw4" bind-address = "[::]" # IPv6 bind-address = "" # IPv4 port = 6886 min-order-fee = 400000 order-match-tx-fee = 400000 matcher-directory = ${}"/matcher" data-directory = ${waves.matcher.matcher-directory}"/data" journal-directory = ${waves.matcher.matcher-directory}"/journal" snapshots-directory = ${waves.matcher.matcher-directory}"/snapshots" leveldb-cache-size = 256M snapshots-interval = 1d order-cleanup-interval = 5m max-open-orders = 1000 rest-order-limit = 100 max-orders-per-address = 1000 price-assets = [ "WAVES", "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", "HyFJ3rrq5m7FxdkWtQXkZrDat1F7LjVVGfpSkUuEXQHj", "2xnE3EdpqXtFgCP156qt1AbyjpqdZ5jGjWo3CwTawcux", "6pmDivReTLikwYqQtJTv6dTcE59knriaodB3AK8T9cF8", "DWgwcZTMhSvnyYCoWLRUXXSH1RSkzThXLJhww9gwkqdn", "2LvFxZcQHEPm5LiVDgnfBX13Bit12iAKNHJFJ4HJwAKb" ]

Predefined ordering of base assets

predefined-pairs = [
 {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe"},
 {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "HyFJ3rrq5m7FxdkWtQXkZrDat1F7LjVVGfpSkUuEXQHj"},
 {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "2xnE3EdpqXtFgCP156qt1AbyjpqdZ5jGjWo3CwTawcux"},
 {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "6pmDivReTLikwYqQtJTv6dTcE59knriaodB3AK8T9cF8"},
      {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "DWgwcZTMhSvnyYCoWLRUXXSH1RSkzThXLJhww9gwkqdn"},
      {amountAsset = "DWgwcZTMhSvnyYCoWLRUXXSH1RSkzThXLJhww9gwkqdn", priceAsset = "WAVES"},
      {amountAsset = "2LvFxZcQHEPm5LiVDgnfBX13Bit12iAKNHJFJ4HJwAKb", priceAsset = "WAVES"},
      {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "2LvFxZcQHEPm5LiVDgnfBX13Bit12iAKNHJFJ4HJwAKb"},    
 {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "2aSqCbvCTgvCpwkGsk4mea4tCLG4Zgp69aQDhHNvRUZv"},
 {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "2aSqCbvCTgvCpwkGsk4mea4tCLG4Zgp69aQDhHNvRUZv"},
 {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "8zEZuJcKPQmFuYgVe5ZMpxgiPLu5zBhjA6xgdGomQDaP"},
 {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "D2MNuUyA38pSKoV7F7vpS15Uhw9nw5qfbrGUfCLRNuRo"},
 {amountAsset = "2xnE3EdpqXtFgCP156qt1AbyjpqdZ5jGjWo3CwTawcux", priceAsset = "HyFJ3rrq5m7FxdkWtQXkZrDat1F7LjVVGfpSkUuEXQHj"},

] max-timestamp-diff = 3h blacklisted-assets: [] blacklisted-names: [] blacklisted-addresses: [] } rest-api { enable = yes bind-address = "[::]" # IPv6 bind-address = "" # IPv4 port = 6869 api-key-hash = "Fz8RUJAj3GG4MuaLhJthvhAKmfcC5rBgwgCGmdnFZPoE" cors = yes api-key-different-host = no } synchronization { max-rollback = 100 max-chain-length = 101 synchronization-timeout = 60s score-ttl = 90s remote-score-debounce = 1s invalid-blocks-storage { max-size = 30000 timeout = 1d } history-replier { max-micro-block-cache-size = 50 max-block-cache-size = 20 } utx-synchronizer { network-tx-cache-size = 1000000 network-tx-cache-time = 10s max-buffer-size = 500 max-buffer-time = 100ms } micro-block-synchronizer { wait-response-timeout = 2s processed-micro-blocks-cache-timeout = 3m

  inv-cache-timeout = 45s

} utx { max-size = 100000 max-transaction-age = 90m cleanup-interval = 5m blacklist-sender-addresses = [] allow-blacklisted-transfer-to = [] } features { auto-shutdown-on-unsupported-feature = yes supported = [1, 2] } } waves.extensions = [ "com.wavesplatform.dex.Matcher" ] waves.dex { account = "3N8RaYaYQEYTENbMLxYRsyWUQWzqALHjmw4" # This account must be known at the Node, e.g. created through POST /addresses bind-address = "[::]" # uncomment this line to accept connections from any host IPv6 bind-address = "" # uncomment this line to accept connections from any host IPv4 } include "local.conf"

sultana-mnw commented 4 years ago

` shgdaagdkjahah


sultana-mnw commented 4 years ago

` ghjhg `

sultana-mnw commented 4 years ago
# Waves node settings
waves {
  directory = "./data"                  # replaced to /data
  data-directory = ${}"/data"
  leveldb-cache-size = 256M
  network {
    file = ${}"/peers.dat"
        bind-address = "[::]"       # IPv6
    bind-address = "" # IPv4
       port = 6863
       known-peers = ["", "", "", ""]           #TESTNET
    peers-data-residence-time = 1d
    black-list-residence-time = 15m
    max-inbound-connections = 30
    max-outbound-connections = 30
    max-single-host-connections = 3
    connection-timeout = 30s
    max-unverified-peers = 100
    enable-peers-exchange = yes
    enable-blacklisting = yes
    peers-broadcast-interval = 2m
    handshake-timeout = 30s
    suspension-residence-time = 1m
    upnp {
      enable = yes
      gateway-timeout = 7s
      discover-timeout = 3s
    traffic-logger {
      ignore-tx-messages = [23, 25] # BlockMessageSpec, TransactionMessageSpec
      ignore-rx-messages = [25] # TransactionMessageSpec
  wallet {
    file = ${}"/wallet/wallet.dat"
    password = "1234567890"

    seed ="2KQpVVPohiRMFhipicaZfKcpP35SfTenNUB2YudvUtCr7QQyVoBJUbKU6RqTML79YyTxNXxXGgck6KfS15frrCCp3DhkfKhdXJtEmAeiLJaEvpMKX9zmfLMySWWb9"
cross shuffle run again parent civil ball plate fluid giggle seminar witness invest title
 blockchain {
    max-transactions-per-block-diff = 6000
    min-blocks-in-memory = 100
    type = TESTNET          #replaced from
  checkpoints {
    public-key = "4PvoqxpWi7kCA9N3UXcEB9CZx4iPPeHX9jSYdAioPhnr"
   matcher {
    enable = yes
    account = "3N8RaYaYQEYTENbMLxYRsyWUQWzqALHjmw4"
  bind-address = "[::]"       # IPv6
    bind-address = ""     # IPv4
    port = 6886
    min-order-fee = 400000
    order-match-tx-fee = 400000
    matcher-directory = ${}"/matcher"
    data-directory = ${waves.matcher.matcher-directory}"/data"
    journal-directory = ${waves.matcher.matcher-directory}"/journal"
    snapshots-directory = ${waves.matcher.matcher-directory}"/snapshots"
    leveldb-cache-size = 256M
    snapshots-interval = 1d
    order-cleanup-interval = 5m
    max-open-orders = 1000
    rest-order-limit = 100
    max-orders-per-address = 1000
   price-assets = [
       # Predefined ordering of base assets
    predefined-pairs = [
     {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe"},
     {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "HyFJ3rrq5m7FxdkWtQXkZrDat1F7LjVVGfpSkUuEXQHj"},
     {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "2xnE3EdpqXtFgCP156qt1AbyjpqdZ5jGjWo3CwTawcux"},
     {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "6pmDivReTLikwYqQtJTv6dTcE59knriaodB3AK8T9cF8"},
          {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "DWgwcZTMhSvnyYCoWLRUXXSH1RSkzThXLJhww9gwkqdn"},
          {amountAsset = "DWgwcZTMhSvnyYCoWLRUXXSH1RSkzThXLJhww9gwkqdn", priceAsset = "WAVES"},
          {amountAsset = "2LvFxZcQHEPm5LiVDgnfBX13Bit12iAKNHJFJ4HJwAKb", priceAsset = "WAVES"},
          {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "2LvFxZcQHEPm5LiVDgnfBX13Bit12iAKNHJFJ4HJwAKb"},    
     {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "2aSqCbvCTgvCpwkGsk4mea4tCLG4Zgp69aQDhHNvRUZv"},
     {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "2aSqCbvCTgvCpwkGsk4mea4tCLG4Zgp69aQDhHNvRUZv"},
     {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "8zEZuJcKPQmFuYgVe5ZMpxgiPLu5zBhjA6xgdGomQDaP"},
     {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "D2MNuUyA38pSKoV7F7vpS15Uhw9nw5qfbrGUfCLRNuRo"},
     {amountAsset = "2xnE3EdpqXtFgCP156qt1AbyjpqdZ5jGjWo3CwTawcux", priceAsset = "HyFJ3rrq5m7FxdkWtQXkZrDat1F7LjVVGfpSkUuEXQHj"},

       max-timestamp-diff = 3h
    blacklisted-assets: []
    blacklisted-names: []
    blacklisted-addresses: []
  rest-api {
    enable = yes
    bind-address = "[::]"       # IPv6
    bind-address = "" # IPv4
    port = 6869
    api-key-hash = "Fz8RUJAj3GG4MuaLhJthvhAKmfcC5rBgwgCGmdnFZPoE"
     cors = yes
    api-key-different-host = no
 synchronization {
    max-rollback = 100
    max-chain-length = 101
    synchronization-timeout = 60s
    score-ttl = 90s
    remote-score-debounce = 1s
    invalid-blocks-storage {
      max-size = 30000
      timeout = 1d
    history-replier {
      max-micro-block-cache-size = 50
      max-block-cache-size = 20
    utx-synchronizer {
      network-tx-cache-size = 1000000
      network-tx-cache-time = 10s
      max-buffer-size = 500
      max-buffer-time = 100ms
    micro-block-synchronizer {
      wait-response-timeout = 2s
      processed-micro-blocks-cache-timeout = 3m

      inv-cache-timeout = 45s
  utx {
    max-size = 100000
    max-transaction-age = 90m
    cleanup-interval = 5m
    blacklist-sender-addresses = []
    allow-blacklisted-transfer-to = []
  features {
    auto-shutdown-on-unsupported-feature = yes
    supported = [1, 2]
waves.extensions = [
  # ... here may be other extensions
 waves.dex {
  account = "3N8RaYaYQEYTENbMLxYRsyWUQWzqALHjmw4" # This account must be known at the Node, e.g. created through POST /addresses
  bind-address = "[::]"       # uncomment this line to accept connections from any host IPv6
  bind-address = "" # uncomment this line to accept connections from any host IPv4
include "local.conf"