sultim-t / vkquake-rt

GNU General Public License v2.0
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Up the raytrace quality? #24

Open Gurrrra opened 1 year ago

Gurrrra commented 1 year ago

I really like this! But it do feel a bit soft, I guess there's not really that many rays so the denoising soften most of the lighting quite a lot. Have been looking for some more specific settings but I can't find any?

Raptor007 commented 1 year ago

Settings beginning with rt_ change the rendering. You can edit them in config.cfg or the console while playing. There are a lot of them; try one letter at a time by typing rt_e in console and pressing tab to see all the ones for letter e, for example.

Through trial and error, I found I like these tweaks for a slightly more classic look:

rt_dlight_intensity "2.5"
rt_elight_default "200"
rt_elight_normaliz "100"
rt_emis_mapboost "200"
rt_emis_maxscrcolor "10"
rt_globallight_b "255"
rt_globallight_g "255"
rt_globallight_r "255"
rt_globallightmult "12"
rt_sky "4"
rt_sky_saturation "0.3"
rt_sun "0.6"
rt_sun_pitch "90"
rt_upscale_fsr2 "0"
rt_vintage "4"
rt_volume_ambient "0.5"
rt_volume_type "1"
rt_water_aciddensity "2"
rt_water_acidcolor 128 255 0
rt_water_color 240 240 230
vid_filter "1"

Water colors will not be loaded from config.cfg nor autoexec.cfg because they are commands rather than cvars. I added alias fixwater "rt_water_acidcolor 128 255 0; rt_water_color 240 240 230" to my autoexec.cfg, then in game bind b fixwater (or pick any unused key) and press it once each launch.

DrMarvello82 commented 1 year ago

Settings beginning with rt_ change the rendering. You can edit them in config.cfg or the console while playing. There are a lot of them; try one letter at a time by typing rt_e in console and pressing tab to see all the ones for letter e, for example.

Through trial and error, I found I like these tweaks for a slightly more classic look:

rt_dlight_intensity "2.5"
rt_elight_default "200"
rt_elight_normaliz "100"
rt_emis_mapboost "200"
rt_emis_maxscrcolor "10"
rt_globallight_b "255"
rt_globallight_g "255"
rt_globallight_r "255"
rt_globallightmult "12"
rt_sky "4"
rt_sky_saturation "0.3"
rt_sun "0.6"
rt_sun_pitch "90"
rt_upscale_fsr2 "0"
rt_vintage "4"
rt_volume_ambient "0.5"
rt_volume_type "1"
rt_water_aciddensity "2"
rt_water_acidcolor 128 255 0
rt_water_color 240 240 230
vid_filter "1"

Water colors will not be loaded from config.cfg nor autoexec.cfg because they are commands rather than cvars. I added alias fixwater "rt_water_acidcolor 128 255 0; rt_water_color 240 240 230" to my autoexec.cfg, then in game bind b fixwater (or pick any unused key) and press it once each launch.

You could do bind w "+forward;fixwater" if you'd rather it be executed automatically

ccarmatic commented 1 year ago

my issue with regards to raytracing is the specular ghosting on shiny surfaces, leaving trails on surfaces looks very wrong and distracting, if only there was a way to mitigate this i.e. make all surfaces have zero specular reflections

Or, if there was a more generic way of adjusting the raytracing mechanism parameters, such as number or rays or the way that rays are accumulated over time