sulu / ExampleNewsBundle

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Custom frontend bundle #20

Closed ducho closed 6 years ago

ducho commented 6 years ago

Hi. I have problem with add custom frontend-only bundle. Debug:router return: get_spalneo GET ANY ANY /api/spalneo.{_format}

but when i make get request, sulu return: The path "/api/spalneo" does not exist.

`namespace App\ApiBundle\Controller;

use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\FOSRestController; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations as Rest;

class ApiController extends FOSRestController { /**

api_spalneo: resource: "@ApiBundle/Resources/config/routing_api.xml" type: rest prefix: /api

Can anybody help me? Thanks a lot.

alexander-schranz commented 6 years ago

Hello @ducho,

with frontend you mean on the website so not a route under /admin? Is the route registered correctly in the website kernel (app/config/website/routing.yml) and does the debug command list your new routes: bin/websiteconsole debug:router. When yes what does bin/websiteconsole debug:router get_spalneo return

ducho commented 6 years ago

@alexander-schranz Thanks for quick reply. Yes I mean on the website not under admin. I need to add custom controller for rest api on frontend. I tried bin/websiteconsole debug:router with same result: get_spalneo GET ANY ANY /api/spalneo.{_format}

but... route still not working when i call

alexander-schranz commented 6 years ago

@ducho what does bin/websiteconsole debug:router get_spalneo return? for me it looks the _format is required. does: work?

ducho commented 6 years ago

@alexander-schranz ok i missed .json, but response is {"error":{"code":404,"message":"Not Found"}}

bin/websiteconsole debug:router get_spalneo return

Property Value
Route Name get_spalneo
Path /api/spalneo.{_format}
Path Regex #^/api/spalneo(?:.(?P<_format>json csv html))?$#s
Host ANY
Host Regex
Scheme ANY
Method GET
Requirements _format: json csv html
Class Symfony\Component\Routing\Route
Defaults _controller: ApiBundle:Api:getSpalneo
_format: json
Options compiler_class: Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCompiler
Callable App\ApiBundle\Controller\ApiController::getSpalneoAction
alexander-schranz commented 6 years ago

you can also use bin/websiteconsole router:match /api/spalneo.json --method GET to see which controller match this rule.

ducho commented 6 years ago

@alexander-schranz the result for bin/websiteconsole router:match /api/spalneo.json --method GET is same as my previous comment but will never get into this function. Callable: App\ApiBundle\Controller\ApiController::getSpalneoAction Is not required to register new route for frontend for Sulu? I think Sulu filters routes because result is still 404. {"error":{"code":404,"message":"Not Found"}}

alexander-schranz commented 6 years ago

@ducho no static routes are prioritized and as the router:match works I think your problem must be in your controller or a custom request listener in the core there also some static routes which work without problems (media download, search). You need to debug. But maybe you have a problem with your webserver configuration so check if the other static routes are working correctly.

ducho commented 6 years ago

@alexander-schranz so when I set SYMFONY_ENV = 'dev' it works, but not under prod. Should I run something like bin/websiteconsole sulu:build prod ?

wachterjohannes commented 6 years ago

@ducho you can pass the environment with -e prod

alexander-schranz commented 6 years ago

@ducho did you clear the production cache? as @wachterjohannes mentioned you can add the environment to a command but you dont need to run sulu:build again. can you check bin/websiteconsole router:match /api/spalneo.json --method GET -e prod

ducho commented 6 years ago

@alexander-schranz thank you very much for your help. Now all working correctly. My last question before closing this issue is, if exists channel for consulting because gitter channel nobody using.

wachterjohannes commented 6 years ago

@ducho use our slack channel :) you can subscribe to it over the form on the bottom of the homepage