sulu / SuluArticleBundle

Bundle for managing localized content-rich entities like blog-posts in the Sulu content management system
MIT License
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Automation bundle do not work when versionning is active #673

Open mortis0 opened 2 months ago

mortis0 commented 2 months ago
Bug? yes
New Feature? no
SuluArticleBundle Version Specific version or SHA of a commit
Sulu Version Specific version or SHA of a commit

Actual Behavior

When the versionning is activated, the planification provided by the automation bundle to publish at specific date in the future do not work. The task is created but the run end in error with phpcr saying that this node do not have the jcr:versionnable mixin

Possible Solutions

I fix the issue by replacing "BasePageDocument::class" with "ArticleDocument::class" on line 356 of ArticleAdmin.php, but maybe this will not work with ArticlePageDocument.