sulu / SuluContentBundle

Add content behaviours to a Doctrine Entity
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Wrong URLs for language chooser #199

Open martinlagler opened 2 years ago

martinlagler commented 2 years ago

The URLs for the language chooser are not set correctly.

niklasnatter commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting! The problem here is that the localizations twig variable is not set correctly at the moment. For pages, this is done in the ParameterResolver:

In the SuluArticleBundle, this is done in the WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber:

As a workaround, we have set the correct data to the localization variable in a custom controller inside of the project:

protected function getAttributes($attributes, StructureInterface $structure = null, $preview = false)
    $attributes = parent::getAttributes($attributes, $structure, $preview);
    $webspace = $this->get('sulu_core.webspace.request_analyzer')->getWebspace();

    $attributes['urls'] = [];
    $attributes['localizations'] = [];
    foreach ($webspace->getAllLocalizations() as $localization) {
        $locale = $localization->getLocale();

        if (!$structure) {

        $route = $this->routeRepository->findByEntity(ProductDimensionContent::getContentClass(), $structure->getUuid(), $locale);
        $path = $route ? $route->getPath() : '/';

        $attributes['urls'][$locale] = $path;
        $attributes['localizations'][$locale] = [
            'locale' => $locale,
            'url' => $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator($path, null, $locale),

    return $attributes;