sulu / SuluHeadlessBundle

Bundle that provides controllers and services for using Sulu as headless content management system
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add Extension System for StructureResolver #100

Open j-mahlke opened 2 years ago

j-mahlke commented 2 years ago

In our last projects we often have replaced the StructureResolve just because there is no extension point to extend the data there in a easy way. In non "headless" projects, the approach would be to add a TwigExtensions which makes specific data available in all twig templates. This PR makes it possible to extend structures without overriding the class, and therefore allows different bundles to extend the returned data without conflicts.

alexander-schranz commented 2 years ago

Hello @jmahlkeXTAIN,

Thank you for the pull request, this looks very interesting.

I would like to understand the usecases you had in your project to understand it better where this feature would be come into play. What you did extend and how you did extend it currently. What did in your cases speak against configure a custom controller in your templates. Also in case of sulu websites in a none headless way a custom controller is normally the choice to add additional data to the template twig file, twig extension is mostly the last thing, equivalent to twig extension in headless bundle would be a custom api endpoint.

j-mahlke commented 2 years ago

Hello @alexander-schranz ,

Our current Project has a React-Frontend that builds on the base of the json from the headless bundle. As it updates itself every 5 seconds with a GET request on the json, more requests per update for more api endpoints would have a strong impact on performance.

As a data example I've created a separate pull-request !101, that uses the functionality from this PR and adds information on the available localizations, that we use for a language-selector in the frontend.

Currently this data is added by extending the StructureResolver. As we have more Project-specific data to add (eg. custom sulu-instance settings), every extension would be in the same file instead of a separate file in the domain folders where it should be.

Deltachaos commented 2 years ago

@alexander-schranz any update on this?

alexander-schranz commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late response. The structure resolver is in my point of view not the correct place to add things to the response. As it is here to resolve the structure which includes page selections, smart content, load page specific fields. So not only page responses. The extension would also be called for that field / content types which could accidently end in performance issues if somebody only wanted to add something to the page response.

Sulu has an extra possibility to set the controller per template to add additional data to it. In a headless setup the controller is in all template the HeadlessWebsiteController. It is common that when you need extra data that you are extending from the default controller in this case the HeadlessWebsiteController and add your additional data to it in your custom controller. In this case by extending the resolveStructure method:

As an example:

class CustomController extends HeadlessWebsiteController
    protected function resolveStructure(StructureInterface $structure): array
        $resolveData = parent::resolveStructure($structure);

        // add your data here

        return $resolveData;

You then can configure your custom controller in the template:


And so extend the page response with all data you want. That is also the recommended way when you are not in the headless setup and a template requires additional data, see for the none headless solution this documentation.

Deltachaos commented 1 year ago

@alexander-schranz we are currently focusing on other stuff, so if you want feel free to make the changes you have proposed based on our work here. Glad to see that you found a purpose for this as well :)