sulu / SuluHeadlessBundle

Bundle that provides controllers and services for using Sulu as headless content management system
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Normalize returned types by the api #84

Open alexander-schranz opened 3 years ago

alexander-schranz commented 3 years ago

There are current different type returned. First the structure resolver return a singular type e.g.:

    "uuid": "...",
    "type": "page",

But then there is the teaser_selection which will return a pluralized resource key e.g.:

    "uuid": "...",
    "type": "pages",

I think this could be a little bit confusing and I think we should have in future a type represented in one form. In sulu internal the resourceKey is pluralized (contacts, examples, accounts, media). So maybe it should only exist this form.

alexander-schranz commented 3 years ago

Until we switch in sulu core from singular to pluralized keys in the template keys ( or in the teaser providers ( we could also work in SuluHeadlessBundle around it using the Inflector to be consistent atleast in the returned Api.