sum1won / summod

This is summod, a dominions 4 overhaul mod.
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Memories of Stone vs Reawaken Fossil #116

Open IcelandicSkull opened 7 years ago

IcelandicSkull commented 7 years ago

Abysia's version of the spell can be cast everywhere without the need for a wasteland, yet the Gath version requires a wasteland, in most premade maps theres a big lack of wastelands and more often than not they are clustered together. Not to mention from what Ive tested Gath doesn't get priority to start in wastelands like Abysia and C'tis. I am not saying make them the same but come on atleast make the Gath version castable in mountains and border mountains as well.

IcelandicSkull commented 7 years ago

Another small difference is that Gath's Fossil Warriors are not mindless and have morale 18, yet they still have the horrible def of their mindless counterparts. Maybe buffing their defense to a level of actual sentient warriors would be a good idea.

Lambert-Simnel commented 7 years ago

An interesting point is that the those reawakened are of the same age of Rephaim as the Gibbur, which are sacred to Gath. Now, making them sacred would be a massive leap in power, and further reinfoce Gath's focus on bless, however giving them a decent standard value could work.

Also, a unit could be added to Gath's repetoire which is just armour and weapons for these fossils, using that we now have more events and blaming the limit per turn on how cumbersome it is to equip such a being, their already high prot augmented by LA armour would make them usefull but different to the mindless meatshields of the Abysian ones.