sum1won / summod

This is summod, a dominions 4 overhaul mod.
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Possible bug with Knight of the Glade promotion (MA Man) #195

Open CuteLittleAlchemist opened 6 years ago

CuteLittleAlchemist commented 6 years ago

In my recent game playing as MA Man, my Knight Commander of Man unit was promoted into a Knight of the Glade and given the "Healer (1)" ability. Since his promotion, however, each turn I get the message that one battle affliction was cured even when there is nothing to cure, along with him spawning the neutral scout unit at his location each turn.

I tested this a bit further before I posted. It seems like him spawning neutral scout units only happens when he is seiging a castle (In this case, Bandar Log's capital). I attached a screenshot below to show the amount of scouts that have been spawned at his location after a few turns of trying to destroy the gates of a castle. scoutspawn

sum1won commented 6 years ago

I cant for the life of me figure out what is causing that. Are any other mods active?