sum1won / summod

This is summod, a dominions 4 overhaul mod.
5 stars 8 forks source link

Working version changelog #77

Closed sum1won closed 8 years ago

sum1won commented 8 years ago

Customized explanatory events replaced with one event; nation descriptions customized to show changes Spelling mistakes fixed More non-iron weapons fixed Ravens Feast A4->A3 Hidden in cost increased to 60, released hp increased by ~60% Ether Warrior hp increased to 25, ether lord hp increased to 30. Mass airbreathing amulet ritual fixed Pills of Waterbreathing fix Woundfend amulet bug fixed Luck amulet no longer provides infinite twist fate

Oceania/PangaeaMinotaurs/Icthytaurs given an across the board discount of 5 gold Abysia: Demonspawn error fixed, now work properly. EA Ryleh Polypal Spawn are amphibious, but suffocate on land within 3 months Therodos typos fixed EA Atlantis shamble reefmage increased cost by 10 MA Shinyu: Bakemono heart sprite fixed MA Man: Knights of Avalon upgrade into knights of the round table much more easily, upgrade upkeep reduced MA TC Eunuchs Fixed to allow reproduction

Ragha PD shifted to be worse (uses more militia, less heavy infantry) Zhayedans cost 40 gold each time they lose a rider Karapans cost 10 gold more Athravans are coldrec 1, to reduce flying sacred parties Turan Sorcerors are heatrec 2, 225->265 gold Airya Seraphs are coldrec 2, 225->265 gold Turan infantry are all +1 goldcost Turan Elephants are +10 goldcost Airya archers and infantry are +1 goldcost

LA Xibalba: Zotz cost increased by one, as per EA Xib.
Lance Zotz cost +1 resource Caverec Chilans are now slowrec Beastbats are 40% worse at siege stuff

LA Agartha: Blindlords cheaper, have a priest level 10 gold discount to cave knights, +1 strength to blindfighters servant of oracles mapmove 2

Jomon, Human Daimyos Ashigaru Archer added (As Ashigaru is to Bandit: 8 gold, not stealthy) Samurai, Samurai archer 10 hp Aka-Oni Samurai 15->14 gold Samurai Cav 40->30 gold, Longbow Sohei, Yamabushi 26 gold -> 21 Mounted Gokenin, Hatamoto Longbow Fivefold path monks: 1.00->1.20 randoms meditation sign: 20+5/level fatigue reduction earth-touching sign: range scales welcome sign: range scales Courage sign: Aoe 2++->4++ Tatsu 200% randoms->300%, 19 gems->25 Gozu-Mezu ->5 gems Summon Ko Oni effects ->7++ Summon Ao Oni ->4 gems Summon Aka Oni ->4 gems Summon Oni -> 12->7 gems Summon Kuro Oni 10->6 gems, 4->4+ effects Oni General Research 6->5, 20->14 gems Dai Oni 45->35 gems, research 8->7 Karusu Tengu research 5, 10 gems, 10+ effects Konoha Tengu research level 2 Dai Tengu 55->40 gems Nushi 25->20 gems Kitsune 30->23 gems

Lemuria Lemuria pd changed to centurion/acolyte Lemuria events increase commander spawn at start of game - can be either a tribune or a centurion. Uses summod distributed death sites.

LA Mictlan Rain Warrior Cost Decrease 23->20 Returned wield stone glaives sun warriors cost 18->15; Hp 12->13; Strength 10->11 Tlahuelpuchi cost 25-33 Pathreq B2->B2D2 Civateteo pathreq B2D2->B2, douse 1

LA Pan: Pan random increased to 30%

LA Marignon Angel of Fury cost->25 pearls, self-blesses, damage reflection Angelic Host S5->S4F1, 50->40 pearls Heavely Choir ->S5F3, 88 pearls, choir angels now get an anti-undead ranged attack Starting Army city guard -> Pikeneers Goetic Masters Ritual Master

LA Man changes: Magisters have a minimum research level, and instead of 0.5A 0.5E 0.25 S they have 0.8AE, 0.4A, 0.4S wardens, lord wardens, heavy axemen mm2, magisters arcane get magister bonuses, judges are cheaper, improved chance of magic, and don't need forts.

LA Ryleh 10 pearl thau 6 ritual to create a new void gate in a place with friendly dominion Freespawn are now 0 upkeep and produce a small amount of resources as slaves to the Dreaming.

LA Pythium: Folds in LA Pythium overhaul mod. Troops slightly improved, but the main thing is a mechanic that lets you switch between active cults, with different bonuses provided for any of the three possible choices.
All cults have their divine authority increased when endorsed. This might give them priest levels, remove heretic, and/or decrease a research malus.

Serpent Cult gets more hydras and snakes as summons, while assassins and hydras stop being cult only. They can also shapeshift into monstrous snakes, and get a new magic item that can only be used when they are endorsed. Finally, they get access to Swamps of Pythia from CBM (thanks, llama!).

Solar Cult gets cheaper and easier recruitment of their members, and gets a reclimit sacred. They get a new solar bull summon, and a ritual that can convert Leos into Helioperses, who are effective thugs, and the only unit that can wield the 4 new solar cult items. Casting second sun provides some freespawn. They also get an F2H3 buff that significantly increases the combat prowess of sacreds, but will severely burn sacreds who aren't members of the cult of the solar bull (fire resistance helps).

Fertility cult can convert casters into Galli, who are their clergy, and their main access to their rituals. They get very cheap assassination rituals that can send maenads, boars, or lions after an enemy, can shapechange into monstrous lions or boars, can throw bloody fertility rites and orgies, and inexpensively summon boars and lions with summerpower. They also get cheaper vine men.