sumeetweb / Thinki-Downloader

A php based utility to download courses from Thinkific based sites like PacktPub for personal offline use.
MIT License
67 stars 26 forks source link

Video not getting dowloaded #58

Closed chetanambi closed 8 months ago

chetanambi commented 8 months ago

Hi Sumeet.

Great work there!!

When I run the docker-compose up command, it is only downloading all content except videos. Can you please help me?

C:\Users\cheta\OneDrive\Desktop\Thinki-Downloader-main>docker-compose up

[+] Running 1/1
 ✔ Container ThinkiDownloader  Recreated                                                                                      0.1s 
Attaching to ThinkiDownloader
ThinkiDownloader  | Revision 6.3.2 ~ 16th December 2023
ThinkiDownloader  | Author : SumeetWeb ~
ThinkiDownloader  | Consider buying me a coffee at :
ThinkiDownloader  | Want to download only selected videos? Thinki-Parser Experimental is available!
ThinkiDownloader  | ----------------------------------------------------------
ThinkiDownloader  | Fetching Course Contents... Please Wait...
ThinkiDownloader  | Downloading Retail Project Code
ThinkiDownloader  | Downloading CICD Session 1
ThinkiDownloader  | No matches found for videos in HTML Item. Continuing...Downloading CICD Session 2
ThinkiDownloader  | No matches found for videos in HTML Item. Continuing...Downloading CICD Session 3
ThinkiDownloader  | No matches found for videos in HTML Item. Continuing...Downloading CICD Session 4
ThinkiDownloader  | No matches found for videos in HTML Item. Continuing...Downloading CICD Session 5
ThinkiDownloader  | No matches found for videos in HTML Item. Continuing...Downloading CICD Session 6
ThinkiDownloader  | No matches found for videos in HTML Item. Continuing...Downloading CICD Session 7
ThinkiDownloader  | No matches found for videos in HTML Item. Continuing...Downloading Running Notes
ThinkiDownloader exited with code 0

And the HTML downloaded has the following content; <div class="fr-view"><div class="vdo-fr-view" style="display: none;">[vdo otp=20160313versASE323lGr7c1DbkkoqlosLonxLLweUV0KFiFQL3KMDcg7YT33pZl playbackInfo=eyJ2aWRlb0lkIjoiMDg4ZWU1OGZkOGQ3NDY3YmI2NGViNmZlOTRjYWYwYTQifQ== tags=ultimate-interview-prep]</div></div>

.env file look as below.

# For downlaoding all content, use the course link.

# For selective content downloads, use the JSON file created from Thinki Parser. 
# Copy the file to Thinki Downloader root folder (where thinkidownloader3.php is there).
# Specify the file name below. Ex. COURSE_DATA_FILE="modified-course.json" 

COOKIE_DATA="_thinkific_session=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%3D--fac7ad16ef776e2675ae8b029705ff14ff8fb949; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None"

# Quality Available: "Original File", "1080p", "720p", "540p", "360p", "224p"

Am I missing something?

Thanks, Chetan

sumeetweb commented 8 months ago

Looks like videos are protected by I think those can't be downloaded.

sumeetweb commented 8 months ago

Currently, the script supports downloading videos hosted on wistia only.