sumghai / Replimat

Distributed food replicator system for RimWorld
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Pawns freeze and don't replicate meals when Replimat and Vanilla Genetics Expanded are active #67

Closed YapperToad closed 2 years ago

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug:

My Colonists are starving but they wont get food from the terminal, and I cant force them to either (a mod usually lets me do this) **Expected behavior:** I expected them to get the right type of meals when they are hungry **Steps to reproduce:** x 1. Make my pawns get food from the terminal when they are hungry 2. idk 3. idk **Additional information:** x x x Brick threw exception in WorkGiver DoctorFeedHumanlikes: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Replimat.ReplimatUtility+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0 (Verse.ThingDef x) [0x00000] in <8a0662ce7054417cbbd85d32fda1f24e>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].ToList () [0x0001b] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0 at Replimat.ReplimatUtility.PickMeal (Verse.Pawn eater, Verse.Pawn getter) [0x0005b] in <8a0662ce7054417cbbd85d32fda1f24e>:0 at Replimat.Patches.Harmony_FoodUtility_GetFinalIngestibleDef.Prefix (Verse.Thing& foodSource, Verse.ThingDef& __result) [0x00010] in <8a0662ce7054417cbbd85d32fda1f24e>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.RimWorld.FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef_Patch1(Verse.Thing,bool) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.RimWorld.FoodUtility.SpawnedFoodSearchInnerScan_Patch1(Verse.Pawn,Verse.IntVec3,System.Collections.Generic.List`1,Verse.AI.PathEndMode,Verse.TraverseParms,single,System.Predicate`1) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.RimWorld.FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap_Patch5(Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,bool,Verse.ThingDef&,RimWorld.FoodPreferability,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,RimWorld.FoodPreferability,System.Nullable`1) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.RimWorld.FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor_NewTemp_Patch1(Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,bool,Verse.Thing&,Verse.ThingDef&,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,RimWorld.FoodPreferability) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.WorkGiver_FeedPatient.RimWorld.WorkGiver_FeedPatient.HasJobOnThing_Patch1(RimWorld.WorkGiver_FeedPatient,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,bool) at RimWorld.JobGiver_Work+<>c__DisplayClass3_1.b__0 (Verse.Thing t) [0x00013] in <99518a644a3e4a7ea3fde566568df84a>:0 at Verse.GenClosest+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.b__0 (Verse.Thing t) [0x00034] in <99518a644a3e4a7ea3fde566568df84a>:0 at Verse.GenClosest.g__Process|5_0 (Verse.Thing t, Verse.GenClosest+<>c__DisplayClass5_0& ) [0x00047] in <99518a644a3e4a7ea3fde566568df84a>:0 at Verse.GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global (Verse.IntVec3 center, System.Collections.IEnumerable searchSet, System.Single maxDistance, System.Predicate`1[T] validator, System.Func`2[T,TResult] priorityGetter) [0x0008d] in <99518a644a3e4a7ea3fde566568df84a>:0 at Verse.GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable (Verse.IntVec3 root, Verse.Map map, Verse.ThingRequest thingReq, Verse.AI.PathEndMode peMode, Verse.TraverseParms traverseParams, System.Single maxDistance, System.Predicate`1[T] validator, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] customGlobalSearchSet, System.Int32 searchRegionsMin, System.Int32 searchRegionsMax, System.Boolean forceAllowGlobalSearch, Verse.RegionType traversableRegionTypes, System.Boolean ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions) [0x0014c] in <99518a644a3e4a7ea3fde566568df84a>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0(RimWorld.JobGiver_Work,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch0 (string) (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.JobGiver_Work:RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (RimWorld.JobGiver_Work,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter:Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Tagger:TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Subtree:TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Conditional:TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker.DetermineNextJob_Patch2 (Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker,Verse.ThinkTreeDef&) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:TryFindAndStartJob () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker.EndCurrentJob_Patch4 (Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker,Verse.AI.JobCondition,bool,bool) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:JobTrackerTick () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn:Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch2 (Verse.Pawn) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickList:Verse.TickList.Tick_Patch2 (Verse.TickList) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickManager:Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick_Patch3 (Verse.TickManager) Verse.TickManager:TickManagerUpdate () Verse.Game:UpdatePlay () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root_Play:Verse.Root_Play.Update_Patch1 (Verse.Root_Play) Exception in Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter TryIssueJobPackage: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Replimat.ReplimatUtility+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0 (Verse.ThingDef x) [0x00000] in <8a0662ce7054417cbbd85d32fda1f24e>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].ToList () [0x0001b] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0 at Replimat.ReplimatUtility.PickMeal (Verse.Pawn eater, Verse.Pawn getter) [0x0005b] in <8a0662ce7054417cbbd85d32fda1f24e>:0 at Replimat.Patches.Harmony_FoodUtility_GetFinalIngestibleDef.Prefix (Verse.Thing& foodSource, Verse.ThingDef& __result) [0x00010] in <8a0662ce7054417cbbd85d32fda1f24e>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.RimWorld.FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef_Patch1(Verse.Thing,bool) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.RimWorld.FoodUtility.SpawnedFoodSearchInnerScan_Patch1(Verse.Pawn,Verse.IntVec3,System.Collections.Generic.List`1,Verse.AI.PathEndMode,Verse.TraverseParms,single,System.Predicate`1) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.RimWorld.FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap_Patch5(Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,bool,Verse.ThingDef&,RimWorld.FoodPreferability,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,RimWorld.FoodPreferability,System.Nullable`1) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.RimWorld.FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor_NewTemp_Patch1(Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,bool,Verse.Thing&,Verse.ThingDef&,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,RimWorld.FoodPreferability) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.JobGiver_GetFood.RimWorld.JobGiver_GetFood.TryGiveJob_Patch2(RimWorld.JobGiver_GetFood,Verse.Pawn) at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.AI.JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <99518a644a3e4a7ea3fde566568df84a>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter.Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0(Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch0 (string) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter:Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Tagger:TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Conditional:TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch0 (Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker.DetermineNextJob_Patch2 (Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker,Verse.ThinkTreeDef&) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:TryFindAndStartJob () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker.EndCurrentJob_Patch4 (Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker,Verse.AI.JobCondition,bool,bool) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:JobTrackerTick () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn:Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch2 (Verse.Pawn) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickList:Verse.TickList.Tick_Patch2 (Verse.TickList) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickManager:Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick_Patch3 (Verse.TickManager) Verse.TickManager:TickManagerUpdate () Verse.Game:UpdatePlay () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root_Play:Verse.Root_Play.Update_Patch1 (Verse.Root_Play) It repeates this for a while... ## System and Game Configuration **Operating System:** Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) **Physical RAM:** 32 gb **RimWorld base game version:** 1.3.3326 rev562 **RimWorld DLCs loaded:** Royalty + Ideo **Replimat mod version:** v1.3.1 **Replimat mod downloaded from:** steam **Your mod list:** too many to list ## Declaration x I hereby verify that: - [x] I am running the latest version of the game, Replimat and its dependencies - [x] I am NOT running any mods with known incompatibilities with Replimat - [x] I have narrowed down my modlist to the fewest mods needed to cause this issue - [x] I have confirmed that the issue does not happen if Replimat is disabled - [x] I have searched the issue tracker and confirmed no-one else has reported my issue before - [x] I understand that my issue will be closed and ignored if I do not fill this form properly
sumghai commented 2 years ago

Your mod list: too many to list

You haven't followed Step 6 of the troubleshooting guide.

Please narrow down your modlist and identify the exact combination of mods causing the problem, so that I can quickly diagnose why Replimat.ReplimatUtility.PickMeal() is not working as it should.

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

Unfortunatly, i have like 275 mods. i know that replimat was causing my game to bug because before i removed it, nobody would eat anything, and after i removed it, everyone eats normally again. Heres all the mods i have installed rn (minus replimat) if this helps:

[Mod list length: 274] Harmony [] BetterLoading [] Visual Exceptions [] Core [https:// no link (local mod)] Startup impact [] Royalty [Official DLC] [https:// no link (local mod)] Ideology [Official DLC] [https:// no link (local mod)] SRTS Expanded [] HugsLib [] A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics [] Achtung! [] Addictol - Addiction Removal [] Adjustable Ability Cooldowns [] Advanced Moisture Pump [] Advanced Transport Pods [] All Dogs Are Good Bois [] Almost There! [] Animal Medical Bed [] Animal Resource Label [https:// no link (local mod)] Animal Tab [] Antigrain [] Apparel Tainted Only When Corpse Rots [] Assign Animal Food [] Auto-Cut Blight [] Avoid Friendly Fire [] Vanilla Traits Expanded [] Bad Can Be Good [] Basic Medicine [] Beat Your Prisoners [] Beer is Alright [] Vanilla Books Expanded [] Cherry Picker (dev) [] Vanilla Expanded Framework [] Vanilla Cooking Expanded [] Vanilla Fishing Expanded [] Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures [] Ben Lubar presents: Vanilla Books Expanded Expanded [] Better Linkable Colors [] Better ModMismatch Window [] Better Traders [] Bionic icons [] Blueprints [] BoomMod [] Show Draftees Weapon [] CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+] [] Camera+ [] Camping Tent [] Capitalized Work Types [] Chatting on Comms [] Chill the F* Out [] Choice Of Psycasts [] Clean Pathfinding [] Cleaning Speed [] Close Settlements [] Colored deep resources [] Compact Hediffs [] Compare everything [] Conduit Deconstruct [] Configurable Biocoding [] Cozy Power Armor [] Defensive Positions [] Do Your F** Research [] DontBlockDoor [] Down For Me [] Draftable Animals [] DragSelect [] Dress Patients [] Enable Oversized Weapons [] Humanoid Alien Races [] Android tiers [] Common Sense [] Dubs Break Mod [] Allow Tool [] Dubs Mint Menus [] Dubs Mint Minimap [] Dubs Rimatomics [] Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network [] Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked [] EPOE-Forked: Allow direct crafting [] EPOE-Forked: Remove workbench patch [] EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion [] ETRT: Medicine Production [] EdB Prepare Carefully [] Faster Biosculpter Pod [] Faster Smoothing [] Favourites! [] Follow Me [] Fuel Economy [] Furnace [] Geological Landforms [] Giddy-up! Core [] Giddy-up! Battle Mounts [] Giddy-up! Ride and Roll [] Go the F* to Sleep [] Grazing Lands [] Greyer morals (Continued) [] Growing Zone Priorities (Continued) [] Hardworking animals 1.3 [] Heavy Melee Weapons [] Home Mover [] Incident Disabler [] Injured Carry [] Leaf Like Life [] Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued) [] Level Up! [] Death Rattle Continued [1.2+] [] Life Support Continued [1.1+] [] Wall Light [] LightsOut [] Line Of Sight Fix [] Loading In Progress [] Doors Expanded (Dev) [] Locks 2: Lock Them Out! [] Mad Skills [] Mass Graves [] Mechanoids Drop Guns! (Continued) [] MedPod [] Medical Tab [] Medical Training [] Metal Don't Burn (UNOFFICIAL 1.3 PATCH) [] Midworld Expanded: Vapes [] MinifyEverything [] Mod Manager [] Mod Medicine Patch [] More Ideological Words [] More Psycasts [] Rimefeller [] Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients [] Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval [] Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security [] More Rimefeller Compat [] More filters for animals' pen [] Mortar Accuracy [] Nature is Beautiful [1.3+] [] Need Bar Overflow [] No Center Drop Raids [] No Job Authors [] No Laggy Bed [] No Lazy Doctors [] Harvest Organs Post Mortem [] No Sympathy for Prisoners [] No Version Warning [] No lower Psyfocus limit [] Ore Yields (Continued) [] Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories [] More Utility Packs [] Vanilla Weapons Expanded [] Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons [] Packs Are Not Belts [] Pawn Education (Continued) [] PawnTargetFix [] Permeable Terrain [] Plant Human [] Pocket Dimensions [] Power Indicators [] Predictable Deep Drills [] PrisonerRansom [] Prisoners Dont Have Keys [] Replace Stuff [] ProgrammableVents [] Propaganda TV [] QualitySurgeon [] Quarry [] Quest Reward Rebalance [] RPG Style Inventory Revamped [] RaiderInfo [] Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates [] Randy's List [] Realistic Rooms Rewritten [] Reasonable Components [] Rechargeable Low-shield Pack [] Reloadable Rockets [] Remedies [] Armor Racks [] Simple Utilities: Wall [] Vanilla Furniture Expanded [] Replace Stuff Mod Compatibility [] Replantable Anima Trees [] Research Info [] Reuse Pods [] RimQuest (Continued) [] RimSaves [] Rimworld: Spartan Foundry (Continued) [] RunAndGun [] SRTS Expanded - Smaller Sprites [] RT Fuse [] SS Bigger Batteries [] SS Battery Fuse [] Save On Incident [] Vanilla Armour Expanded [] Sealed Power Armour [] Share The Load [] ShowModDesignators [] Simple sidearms [] Simple Sidearms - Switch Weapon [] Smart Farming [] Smart Medicine [] Smart Turret Covering [] Smarter Construction [] Smarter Deconstruction and Mining [] Snap Out! [] Solar Flares Affect Mechanoids [] Stabilize [] Stack Stuff First [] Stack XXL [] Stonecutting Extended [] Stop, Drop, And Roll! [BAL] [] Subsurface Conduit [] TD Enhancement Pack [] Targeting Modes [] Temperature Control Unit [] Thick Armor [] Throw Them [] Tilled Soil [] Too Many Areas [] Trade Ships Drop Spot [] Trade Ships No Matter What [] Trade UI Revised [] Trading Control [] Trainers, Serum, and AI Crafting [] Training Console1.2 [] Ugh You Got Me [] Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids [] Vanilla Textures Expanded [] VFME - Caravan Packs! [] Vanilla Brewing Expanded [] Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas [] Vanilla Brewing Expanded NERFED [] Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews [] Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi [] Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module [] Vanilla Embrasures [] Vanilla Events Expanded [] Vanilla Expanded - Ideology Patches [] Vanilla Expanded - Royalty Patches [] Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids - Auto-Mortar Shell Choice Patch [] Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn [] Vanilla Fix: Haul After Slaughter [https:// no link (local mod)] Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming [] Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module [] Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production [] Vanilla Genetics Expanded [https:// no link (local mod)] Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads [] Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols [] Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts [] Vanilla Plants Expanded [] Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants [] Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns [] Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades [] Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser [] Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal [] Wall Vitals Monitor [] War Crimes Expanded 2 Core [] WarCasket Expanded [] WeaponStats [] What's for sale? [] Pick Up And Haul [] Wine is Alright [] Work Tab [] ZPH - Industrial Wall Cooler [] [1.3] Friendlies Fight Fire [] [1.3] No Infestation [] [BLD] Quantum Cooling Redux [] [FSF] Better Camp Loot [] [FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time [] [KV] More Trait Slots [] Plasteel Surgery (Continued) [] [PS] Reconditioning Pod (Continued) [] [RH2] Rimdeed® - Pawn Recruitment [] [SYR] Doormats [] [SYR] More Slaves [] [SYR] Neuter [] [SYR] Set Up Camp [] [KV] RimFridge []

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

The game was working perfectly a few months ago, so maybe a new update to one of my mods screwed it up?

sumghai commented 2 years ago

@YapperToad - Again, please narrow down your mod list via binary search. 275 mods should only take 9~10 search iterations.

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

it appears to be vanilla genetics expanded

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

i removed all the most recent 30 mods I subscribed to except VGE, and it still didn't work, then I removed VGE in addition to the others, and now it works

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

yea i just added everything back in except VGE and it works, so its definitely that

sumghai commented 2 years ago

@YapperToad - Try manually installing the following development build:

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

i use rimpy, how do i get it from downloaded folder into wherever rimpy puts it?

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

do i just delete all the stuff in 1715402900 folder and replace it with the stuff in the zip?

sumghai commented 2 years ago

Yes, replace the contents of [Your Steam folder]\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1715402900 with the contents of the zip.

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

ok i figured it out and it works

YapperToad commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much for your help!

sumghai commented 2 years ago

Looks like this is related to #66, which is also made by the same author of Vanilla Genetics Expanded. The corresponding fix to Replimat will be released this weekend.