sumichaaan / free5gc-k8s

Dockerized Free5gc and Kubernetes Manifests
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error while deploying yaml file using kubectl command on instance #3

Closed PallaviTharigonda closed 3 years ago

PallaviTharigonda commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm getting the following error: $kubectl apply -f 01_init_defaults.yaml error: error parsing 01_init_defaults.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: invalid map key: map[interface {}]interface {}{"K8S_API_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS":interface {}(nil)}

I tried searching on google but didn't find anything helpful.Can you please help me with this issue?

infinitydon commented 3 years ago

This file should be used to create a kubernetes cluster using kubeadm.

You are not supposed to use this in an existing kubernetes cluster, it's a kubeadm installation configuration file

PallaviTharigonda commented 3 years ago

Can you please tell the steps for deploying free5gc to exisitng k8 scluster?

infinitydon commented 3 years ago

The manifests can be found at:

nmpvinh commented 3 years ago

Hi @infinitydon ;

Sorry for this interruption, i'm trying to understand how i can utilize this k8s to create a helm chart for this, Could you possibly shed some light and help me with this?


infinitydon commented 3 years ago

@nmpvinh There is no need to use helm charts, the manifest files are using kustomize (, you can deploy the amf for example using the kustomize option of the kubectl command:

kubectl apply -k f5gc-amf/

PallaviTharigonda commented 3 years ago

@infinitydon I've tried deploying on existing cluster /free5gc-k8s/manifests/f5gc-smf$ kubectl apply -f kustomization.yaml error: error validating "kustomization.yaml": error validating data: [apiVersion not set, kind not set]; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false

I'm getting this kinda error

Also I tried setting validate=false

/free5gc-k8s/manifests/f5gc-smf$ kubectl apply --validate=false -f kustomization.yaml error: unable to decode "kustomization.yaml": Object 'Kind' is missing in '{"generatorOptions":{"disableNameSuffixHash":true},"namespace":"f5gc","resources":["00_smf-sa.yaml","01_smf-rbac.yaml","02_smf-configmap.yaml","03_smf-service.yaml","04_smf-multus.yaml","05_smf-deployment.yaml"],"secretGenerator":[{"files":["cert/smf.pem","cert/smf.key"],"name":"f5gc-smf-tls-secret","namespace":"free5gc","type":"Opaque"}]}'

I'm getting this error.

Please can you help with this :)

or Tell me if you want me to try another method.

infinitydon commented 3 years ago

@PallaviTharigonda That is not the procedure

Create the namespace first: kubectl create -f 00_namespace.yaml

Then create free5gc components e.g for AMF: kubectl apply -k f5gc-amf/

PallaviTharigonda commented 3 years ago

@infinitydon Thanks a ton.It's working fine .services are coming up.

Is there any way to make communication in between the services?

infinitydon commented 3 years ago

@PallaviTharigonda What do you mean by communication between the services? Services should be able to communicate normally.

PallaviTharigonda commented 3 years ago

Hi @infinitydon ,images are not pulling properly for me & pods are also not running.So I tried changing image name in "05_upf-deployment.yaml" from "" to "".So now I can able to pull image but I'm getting error "Back-off restarting failed container". Here I'm attaching the snapshot of that issue.

Screenshot (57)

and regarding pods


Can you please help me with this issue?

infinitydon commented 3 years ago

@PallaviTharigonda - I suggest you try the following manifests:

PallaviTharigonda commented 3 years ago

@infinitydon thank you for providing the link.Now my pods are coming up.

how can i check the communication is working between UPF and SMF based on PFCP.

I went inside the container and check logs for smf ..there I can see pfcp is sending image

but at the receiver side upf, I can't see any logs. image

should upf & smf should be in a same container?Can you please help me out.

infinitydon commented 3 years ago

@PallaviTharigonda I suggest you close this current issue because you are no longer using the manifests from this repo.

You can ping on linkedin for further communication on this.